What is the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)?

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) provides hundreds of thousands of dollars of flood coverage where required for a federally backed mortgage in 22,000 communities nationwide. It also provides an alternative to taxpayer-funded disaster assistance, which typically means a few thousand dollars per household and an SBA loan that must repaid with the mortgage. While there is a sizable and growing market for private flood insurance, for many, the NFIP continues to be the primary source of asset protection against flooding, the most common and costly natural disaster in the United States.

However, as currently structured, the NFIP is not financially sustainable over the long run. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the program is not charging enough in premiums to cover expected claims in catastrophic loss years, and has borrowed tens of billions to make up the difference. For these reasons, NAR supports a strengthened NFIP coupled with a robust private market to offer choices and maintain access to flood insurance across the U.S.

NAR Principles for Flood Insurance Reform

NAR supports:

  • Long-term reauthorization and incremental reforms to bring certainty to real estate markets.
  • Accurate, modernized, and comprehensive flood mapping nationwide to enable informed, responsible decisions.
  • Offering pre-disaster mitigation grants, loans, and buyouts for property owners to reduce flood risk and risk-based insurance rates.
  • Removing barriers to private flood insurance so consumers can choose lower-cost options that meet federal coverage requirements.
  • Charging full-risk rates aligned to property-specific flood risk while ensuring grandfathered properties transition gradually to avoid unreasonable premium increases.
  • Improving claims data transparency while maintaining disclosure requirements at the state level.
  • Supporting the Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate to assist homeowners with disputes.
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