Practical advice and resources to help you better communicate the value of membership at the local, state, and national level. Plus, 26 ways NAR promotes the value of membership, the value of advocacy, and how AEs can promote their own value within their own organizations.
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In This Issue
Rebecca Grossman on the importance of associations telling their story to build a membership that wants to belong.
A Q&A with Tracy Johnson, CEO of the Commercial Association of REALTORS® Wisconsin on staying relevant and valuable to members.
NAR’s new Sustainability Resource Guide addresses the growing role environmental stewardship is playing in the real estate industry.
How a more skilled AE can lower costs, boost services, build partnerships, reduce legal risks, and provide more value for members.
Promoting member benefits is easier with a partner that can highlight the value, craft the message, and provide special support for you, the AE.
How to sell the ROI of REALTOR® association membership.
Helpful reminders for members about the products, services, programs, and discounts they get for NAR.
Personalization, trust, and a family feeling keep small boards relevant.
Show members how advocacy saves them money, protects their business.
Your members can’t appreciate your hard work if you don’t show it to them.
Not-for-profit REALTOR® associations have specific rules to follow to keep sponsor dollars tax-exempt.
Taking the helm of NAR’s AE committee in 2019 is just another way Duncan MacKenzie, RCE, is working to bring value back to his association.