The value that political and legislative advocacy brings to the businesses of members and the lives of the homeowners, homebuyers, and homesellers they serve is immense, but it can seem abstract to many members. After all, it’s hard to put a value on laws that didn’t pass because of REALTOR® opposition or the value of helping elect an official who sees eye to eye with REALTORS® on crucial issues such as supporting the deductibility of state and local real estate taxes and eliminating the cap on VA home loans.

To promote the value of advocacy every day, associations have an opportunity (and obligation) to bring home these success stories and share (via social media and their online, email, and print publications) how REALTOR® advocacy is shaping the industry at the local, state, and federal levels.

We back the right people

This year, the National Association of REALTORS® expects to fund nearly 400 candidate campaigns to ensure the election of REALTORS® and others who support REALTOR® objectives. In the first half of 2018, NAR helped more than 170 REALTOR® Champions for state and local office in 21 states. These include REALTORS® for state senate and house, county councils, and city council positions. Election wins include Stacy Mungo for Long Beach City Council in California; Sydney Harrison for Prince George’s County Council in Maryland; and REALTOR® Dale Washburn for the Georgia House of Representatives.

We support the right issues

NAR is funding more than 45 Issues ­Mobilization Grants (worth more than $13.2 million) so that local REALTORS® can support or oppose legislation and issues that have the most effect on their daily business and quality of life. For example, right now in ­Florida, REALTORS® are mobilizing local ­voters to support a ballot initiative to cap annual property tax increases for non­homestead properties. In Kansas City, Mo., REALTORS® campaigned against and defeated an attempt to impose registration and inspection requirements on rental property. And in Colorado, REALTORS® worked hard to get new transportation funding on the November ballot.

We rally member and consumer support

This year alone, NAR has funded more than 38 state and 18 local calls for action encouraging REALTORS® and consumers to voice their support or opposition to critical industry issues. For example, the New York State Association of REALTORS® launched a call for action that facilitated member contact with local officials to voice opposition to a state mandate that would increase private construction costs. NAR helped the REALTORS® Association of Maui launch a call for action to members to voice their opposition to proposed legislation that would impose more restrictions on short-term rentals. A call for action in rural Idaho by NAR and the Coeur d’Alene Association of

REALTORS® encouraged members to support the county commissioners who seek to update the area’s minimum building codes.

We’re available to all REALTOR® associations, everywhere

NAR’s Advocacy Everywhere program, which launched this year, is designed to expand the influence of the National Association of REALTORS® and state and local REALTOR® associations on public policy at the local, state, and federal levels and to increase REALTOR® and consumer participation in calls for action.

Your association can highlight the value of this program to members by communicating its efforts and successes via your social media, online, and print publications. Even if a success story isn’t in your backyard, you can still showcase the efforts of the REALTOR® organization and assure members that NAR’s experts, resources, and grants are available for you local efforts.

For advocacy success stories to report or repost, subscribe to, follow REALTOR® Party on Twitter and visit for longer articles.