1. We Protect Your Ability to Do Business
REALTORS® make up the largest professional trade association in the world and, with one voice, REALTOR® association skilled lobbyists are hard at work on Capitol Hill every day protecting your livelihood by advocating for legislative and policy initiatives that promote and protect a dynamic U.S. real estate market. The nonpartisan REALTOR® Party backs national, state, and local candidates who have shown support for REALTOR® and homeownership issues. In 2018 NAR lobbied hard for the 20 percent deduction on qualified business income for pass-through business entities and sole proprietors, reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program, your access to affordable health plans, and much more. NAR is widely considered one of the most effective advocacy organizations in the country.

2. We Protect Homeowners’ Rights
A sound and affordable housing market is key to your business success. That’s why NAR works with local, state, and national lawmakers to ease property taxes and regulations, ensure the availability of affordable homeowners insurance and champion affordable housing, and a range of other policy initiatives that strengthen the ability of Americans to own, buy, and sell real property.

3. A Strong Brand Behind Your Business
NAR communicates directly to consumers to let them know you’re the best in the industry through the award-winning, multimillion-­dollar Consumer Advertising Campaign, which educates the public on the benefits of working with a REALTOR® and how REALTORS® differ from other real estate practitioners. The REALTOR® global brand, which represents ethics and expertise, is a powerful marketing tool that only members can use. In addition, you have exclusive access to a .realtor domain and the .realestate member pre-sale. When combined, the two domains help build a strong digital presence.

4. We Care for Your Community
Whether it’s sending aid to ­hurricane-devastated areas, building homes for low-income families, or collecting clothes for a local shelter, caring for communities is an important part of the REALTOR® mission. Through the REALTORS® Relief Foundation, tens of millions of dollars in aid have poured into communities hit by wildfires, tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes.

5. Real Cash-Saving Discounts
Membership entitles you to discounts on vehicles, technology tools, shipping, computers, car rentals, and many more business-related needs through the REALTOR Benefits® Program. Enjoy special offers from more than 30 carefully selected, industry-leading partners, including REALTORS® Insurance Marketplace, FCA US LLC (including Jeep), FedEx, Sprint, Liberty Mutual, Dell, Placester, Intuit, DocuSign, and more. nar.realtor/RealtorBenefits

6. Media Outreach on Your Behalf
NAR is in constant contact with media outlets nationwide to provide accurate housing data and forecasts and to dispel myths about the industry. We speak to the media and, through social media channels, direct to the public on your behalf and that of buyers, sellers, and homeowners. We are a trusted media source for REALTOR® commentators, like you, who can provide insights into local markets.

7. Profit From Our Technological Innovation and Education
It’s a challenge to sort through the thousands of technology companies out there to find the ones that can truly help you save time and earn more. That’s why NAR is doing the homework for you—so you can spend time focusing on your business. Every year, Second Century Ventures, the strategic investment arm of NAR, selects organizations for the REach® class, a growth technology accelerator program helping launch companies into the real estate, financial services, banking, home services, and insurance industries. Some REach® companies have gone on to become REALTOR Benefits® partners, including Back At You, a full-service lead generation, communication, and education platform for social media. To learn how to use the latest business technology, attend one of NAR’s Tech Edge events around the country. You can even help define the future of real estate tech by attending NAR’s premier tech summit, the Innovation, Opportunity & Investment (iOi) Summit where thought leaders debate, discuss, and collaborate on real estate’s most pressing technology issues.

8. NAR Transaction Management Benefit
All real estate practitioners today need a tool to help facilitate transactions, store documents electronically, and keep client data secure. Through zipLogix, you have access to zipTMS, a robust transaction management system; unlimited zipVault document storage; and zipForm Plus forms engine.

9. Health, Dental, and Vision Plans
REALTORS® Insurance Marketplace is an exclusive one-stop insurance shopping site that provides you with a roster of health and supplemental insurance plans including a major medical health insurance exchange. Additional options include Flexible Term Health Insurance with coverage periods of 30 to up to 364 days and REALTORS® Core Health Insurance, which provides guaranteed-issue, affordable Limited Medical plans. Save money with REALTORS® Dental Insurance, REALTORS® Vision Insurance, and Drug Card America among other programs.

10. Exclusive, Invaluable Business Tips
Stay up to date on real estate best practices, news, and trends, through the award-winning REALTOR® Magazine. At nar.realtor, you can subscribe to the magazine’s popular daily news and monthly business tips newsletters; you can also turn off your print subscription and choose to have the magazine delivered digitally.

11. Making Your Town More Livable
Through NAR’s grant programs, state and local REALTOR® associations fund a wide range of redevelopment initiatives that create and maintain great neighborhoods, boost property values, transform underused or unused public spaces, and promote commercial real estate innovation.

12. Know More, Sell More
To navigate today’s real estate climate, you need to stay on top of data. At nar.realtor, you’ll find expertly crafted research reports on a range of topics including local markets, international markets, commercial markets, home buying and selling, and technology. Learn about your peers’ business activity, sales strategies, and average income through the annual REALTORS® Member Profile. Nar.realtor is also your source for a wide range of risk management resources and tips, including the Window to the Law video series.

13. Access the World’s Largest Real Estate Library
Never again be without an answer. The national association’s Member Support is your lifeline for all questions related to the real estate industry. In addition to hundreds of topical online tool kits and resources, you have access to hundreds of real estate magazines and journals free of charge.

Good To Know

The number of brochures Associations can order as part of the AE Resource Packet, which includes the NAR Education, Publications and REALTOR Benefits® Program Catalog.

14. The More You Learn, the More You Earn
Tap into new opportunities in your market—and as much as double your salary—by gaining advanced credentials that set you apart from the rest. Through NAR’s Center for REALTOR® Development, you can earn a certification or designation, earn continuing education credits, and complete your Code of Ethics training. Become a certified Military Relocation Professional, a Resort and Second-Home Property Specialist, a Certified Property Manager, or an Accredited Buyer’s Representative, among many other specializations. NAR and its affiliated Institutes, Societies, and Councils provide a wide range of programs and services that can help you increase your skills and stand out from the crowd.

15. Gain a Platform to Boost Your Voice
Become a leader in the real estate industry with a voice to make change. By volunteering to serve on local, state, and national REALTOR® committees and workgroups, you’ll work alongside some of the most respected people in the industry to shape the future of the profession, enhance services to fellow members, and further political goals. You’ll also be eligible for specialized leadership training to enhance your leadership skills and further your professional growth.

16. Expert Content for Your Marketing
The REALTOR® Content Resource from NAR’s award-winning website HouseLogic.com provides engaging and expertly written free articles on homeownership, homebuying, and homeselling that you can post on your website, distribute to customers, or link to via social media. RCR provides hundreds of articles on topics such as home improvement, maintenance, taxes, and insurance. Sharing these articles with past, present, and future clients can help keep you top of mind as a trusted adviser.

17. Unrivaled National Property Data
Created by NAR for the sole purpose of providing REALTORS® with the information they need to meet the demands of clients, REALTORS Property Resource® provides comprehensive property data, market trends, powerful analytics, and client-friendly reports on every property in the United States, exclusively for members. RPR gives you a competitive edge with your clients.

18. Unmatched Networking and Live Training
Get money-making new ideas and tools from more than 200 programs and 500 exhibitors at the annual REALTORS® Conference & Expo. Network with tens of thousands of your peers, build your referral base, and share ideas with industry leaders from across the country. Members always save $100 on registration.

19. Personalized Guidance for Young Professionals
The NAR Young Professionals Network helps young real estate practitioners become more business savvy through regular events and by fostering communication with other YPN members to share tips and tricks. This dynamic group is dedicated to increasing the voice and leadership of young professionals in the real estate industry.

20. Save With Tailored Financial Planning
The Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness provides you with a customized road map to maximize your wealth and achieve your retirement dreams. This resource helps answer dozens of common questions, such as how much commission you should save, how a second home can build wealth, and how to calculate your business expenses.

21. Resources to Keep You Safe on the Job
From planning your safety strategy to extensive safety resources including apps, products, and education, NAR provides free safety webinars and videos through the REALTOR® Safety Program, plus special offers on Trust Stamp, an agent safety tool.

22. International Reach at Home and Abroad
NAR seeks to make the global market accessible to and profitable for all REALTORS®. You can access a variety of programs, services, and research to help you attract international real estate investment to your market and work with immigrant communities here at home.

23.Reach Serious Buyers on realtor.com®
More consumers report they found the agent they purchased their home from on realtor.com® than on any other national real estate site.* You can update your MLS listings on realtor.com®, submit customer ratings and recommendations, construct a free profile and send listing reports to your sellers. No member dues are used to fund realtor.com®. Visit hub.realtor.com/NAR to get started. *(2017 NAR Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers)

24.Save Thousands in Legal Fees
The association offers legally binding dispute resolution mediation and arbitration services to settle business disputes between members. We also offer members and consumers the opportunity to address possible violations of the NAR Code of Ethics or association bylaws in an unbiased and uniform manner.

25. Minimize Your Risk, Protect Your Home and Business for Less
You receive special pricing on a variety of insurance and warranty needs, which can save thousands of dollars annually. Select from errors and omissions insurance, personal auto and home insurance, and home warranties.

26. Boost Your Commercial Business
NAR supports commercial advocacy efforts and provides services specifically for commercial members, including education, publications, and commercial market research.

S.M.A.R.T. Budget Initiative

Visit S.M.A.R.T. Budget Initiative for print materials and FAQs to help associations explain the 2019 national dues increase.

Value Resources for AEs

Business man and woman shaking hands outdoors

The Top Benefits of Membership brochure explains the value of membership and NAR key initiatives. Download free from the REALTOR® Store.