The State Leadership Idea Exchange Council facilitates the exchange of ideas among state association leadership.

View the 2014 Idea Exchange Council Leadership and the State Association Ranking Sheetpdf (PDF: 34 KB) of small, medium, and large associations.

On this page, view hot topic ideas submitted in advance of the 2014 REALTORS® Conference & Expo in New Orleans.

The Idea Exchange Council will meet on Thursday, Nov. 6, from 1:00 p.m. to 3.45 p.m during the Conference. View the agendadoc (DOC: 53 KB). Each state association will participate in a Small, Medium, or Large breakout session.

Missed the submission deadline for the 2014 REALTORS® Conference & Expo? You can still bring up your idea during the Council's Breakout Sessions on Nov. 6, or save your idea until the REALTOR® Party Convention and Trade Expo in May, 2015.

View previous ideas:

Ideas by State/Territory

Alabama  |  Alaska  |  Arizona  |  Arkansas  |  California  |  Colorado  |  Connecticut  |  Delaware  |  District of Columbia  |  Florida  |  Georgia  |  Guam  |  Hawaii  |  Idaho  |  Illinois  |  Indiana  |  Iowa  |  Kansas  |  Kentucky  |  Louisiana  |  Maine  |  Maryland  |  Massachusetts  |  Michigan  |  Minnesota  |  Mississippi  |  Missouri  |  Montana  |  Nebraska  |  Nevada  |  New Hampshire  |  New Jersey  |  New Mexico  |  New York  |  North Carolina  |  North Dakota  |  Ohio  |  Oklahoma  |  Oregon  |  Pennsylvania  |  Puerto Rico  |  Rhode Island  |  South Carolina  |  South Dakota  |  Tennessee  |  Texas  |  Utah  |  Vermont  |  Virgin Islands  |  Virginia  |  Washington  |  West Virginia  |  Wisconsin  |  Wyoming

Arizona (large association)

The Arizona Association held a workshop to discover community outreach activities and a RAPAC training workshop.

Read morepdf (PDF: 648 KB)

California (large association)

The California Association has been concentrating on thought leadership and a new state housing agency.

Read morepdf (PDF: 41 KB)

Connecticut (medium association)

The Connecticut Association is deepening its bond with and among local presidents, and assisting municipalities with flood insurance information

Read morepdf (PDF: 29 KB)

Florida (large association)

The Florida Association made homelessness a priority this year, advocating for legislation that provides housing for low-income and homeless populations.

Read moredocx (DOC: 693 KB)

Georgia (large association)

The Georgia Association is exploring health insurance options for its members.

Read morepdf (PDF: 73 KB)

Illinois (large association)

The Illinois Association is proposing a $25 dues increase, funding three research projects, and conducting studies of buyers in the state.

Read morepdf (PDF: 171 KB)

Iowa (small association)

The Iowa Association created a 4-hour presentation for all members to review and has been working on new Core Standards requirements.

Read morepdf (PDF: 78 KB)

Kansas (medium association)

The Kansas Association pushed to repeal the the state's real estate transfer tax and is preparing for the 2015 legislative session.

Read morepdf (PDF: 91 KB)

Louisiana (medium association)

The Louisiana Association is placing a strong emphasis on volunteer mediation training and certification in 2015, and will also launch a new app.

Read morepdf (PDF: 136 KB)

Maine (small a​ssociation)

The Maine Association is distributing "challenge coins" to prove membership or as a symbol of alliance and allegiance to shared principles.

Read morepdf (PDF: 139 KB)

Massachus​etts (large association)

The Massachusetts Association is empowering its members to get involved at all three levels of government: federally, state-wide, and locally.

Read morepdf (PDF: 152 KB)

Michigan (large association)

The Michigan Association has undergone a name change and increased membership levels while enjoying several legislative victories.

Read morepdf (PDF: 73 KB)

Mississippi (small association)

The Mississippi Association achieved success with many of its legislative priorities during 2014 and saw a high level of contributions to MARPAC.

Read morepdf (PDF: 2.74 MB)

Missouri (medium association)

The Missouri Association hired a consulting firm to garner feedback from local REALTORS® about how they are doing.

Read morepdf (PDF: 70 KB)

Montana (small association)

The Montana Association is sponsoring several land use bills and looking at ways to raise the educational bar for all licensees.

Read morepdf (PDF: 119 KB)

Nevada (medium association)

The Nevada Association is conducting a no-holds barred attack on the Margin Tax Initiative Petition.

Read morepdf (PDF: 144 KB)

New Jersey (large association)

The New Jersey Association has a new name and logo and is launching a new website in December.

Read morepptx (PowerPoint: 2.86 MB)

New York (large association)

The New York State Association opposes a proposed mandate requiring sprinkler systems to be installed in all newly constructed one- and two-family homes as well as townhomes. 

Read morepdf (PDF: 199 KB)

North Carolina (large association)

The North Carolina Association has been engaged in the design, planning, rollout, and implementation of a statewide public and issues awareness campaign

Read morepdf (PDF: 133 KB)

North Dakota (small association)

The North Dakota Association is campaigning to ban Transfer Taxes, and is preparing for the fifth anniversary of REALTOR® Ring Day.

Read morepdf (PDF: 182 KB)

Ohio (large association)

The Ohio Association is concerned with three key areas: (1) NAR Core Standards, (2) OAR Governance structure/meetings, (3) Communications audit.

Read morepdf (PDF: 128 KB)

Oklahoma (medium association)

The Oklahoma Association created an infographic that showcases why companies and families should locate there.

Read morepdf (PDF: 37 KB)
View infographicpdf (PDF: 1.11 MB)

Pennsylvania (large association)

The Pennsylvania Association set up a local association management service to help local associations maintain their independence, provide value, and meet NAR's Core Standards.

Read morepdf (PDF: 926 KB)

South Dakota (small association)

The South Dakota Association had a successful second Leadership Academy and is improving its education offerings.

Read morepdf (PDF: 228 KB)

Tennessee (large association)

The Tennessee Association took on a new initiative to increase RPAC contributions and helped raise over $53,000.

Read morepdf (PDF: 75 KB)

Texas (large association)

The Texas Association examined their ability to go beyond membership to expand their REALTOR® base, increase PAC dollars, and raise their level of influence.

Read morepdf (PDF: 87 KB)

Utah (medium association)

The Utah Association partnered with the Utah Clean Air Partnership to create a grant program to convert wood-burning stoves to cleaner sources of heat.

Read morepdf (PDF: 113 KB)
