The State Leadership Idea Exchange Council facilitates the exchange of ideas among state association leadership.

View the 2014 Idea Exchange Council Leadership and the State Association Ranking Sheetpdf (PDF: 34 KB) of small, medium, and large associations.

On this page, view hot topic ideas submitted in advance of the 2014 REALTOR® Party Convention & Trade Expo in Washington, D.C. The deadline to submit ideas was April 30.

The Idea Exchange Council will meet on Tuesday, May 13, from 12:30 p.m. to 3.15 p.m. during the Conference. View the agendapdf (PDF: 88 KB). Each state association will participate in a Small, Medium, or Large breakout session.

Missed the submission deadline for the 2014 REALTOR® Party Convention & Trade Expo? You can still bring up your idea during the Council's Breakout Sessions on May 13, or save your idea until the REALTOR® Conference and Expo in November 2014.

View last year's ideas:

Ideas by State/Territory

Alabama  |  Alaska  |  Arizona  |  Arkansas  |  California  |  Colorado  |  Connecticut  |  Delaware  |  District of Columbia  |  Florida  |  Georgia  |  Guam  |  Hawaii  |  Idaho  |  Illinois  |  Indiana  |  Iowa  |  Kansas  |  Kentucky  |  Louisiana  |  Maine  |  Maryland  |  Massachusetts  |  Michigan  |  Minnesota  |  Mississippi  |  Missouri  |  Montana  |  Nebraska  |  Nevada  |  New Hampshire  |  New Jersey  |  New Mexico  |  New York  |  North Carolina  |  North Dakota  |  Ohio  |  Oklahoma  |  Oregon  |  Pennsylvania  |  Puerto Rico  |  Rhode Island  |  South Carolina  |  South Dakota  |  Tennessee  |  Texas  |  Utah  |  Vermont  |  Virgin Islands  |  Virginia  |  Washington  |  West Virginia  |  Wisconsin  |  Wyoming

Alaska (small association)

The Alaska Association of REALTORS® is hosting its 2014 State Convention in Maui, Hawaii.

Read moredoc (DOC: 117 KB)

Arizona (large association)

The Arizona Association introduced a leadership development program to prepare incoming and future REALTOR® leaders.

Read morepdf (PDF: 137 KB)

California (large association)

The California Association launched the Ethics Check database for local associations, and are planning a 2014 Real Estate Summit.

Read morepdf (PDF: 36 KB)

Colorado (large association)

The Colorado Association is proud to announce Studio R to help communicate relevant information more effectively.

Read moredoc (DOC: 579 KB)

Connecticut (medium association)

The Connecticut Association of REALTORS® is identifying ways for leadeship to collaborate with past presidents more effectively.

Read moredoc (DOC: 26 KB)

Delaware (small association)

The Delaware Association is working on advocacy efforts such as increasing their presence with members and government, and developing community partnerships.

Read moredoc (DOC: 26 KB)

District of Columbia (small association)

The District of Columbia Association is working to promote a visibly recognizable identity and communicate a clear value to its members.

Read moredoc (DOC: 25 KB)
View PowerPoint presentationppt (PPT: 24.27 MB)

Florida (large association)

The Florida Association is raising awareness of homelessness, and will be traveling across the state on a "REALTORS® Believe" bus tour.

Read moredoc (DOC: 716 KB)

Georgia (large association)

Georgia REALTORS® aim to exceed their RPAC goal, ensure quality education for members, provide housing indicators, and more.

Read moredoc (DOC: 24 KB)

Idaho (medium association)

The Idaho Association wrapped up their Legislative Session, held their Annual Brokers Summit, and reintroduced their Leadership Academy.

Read moredoc (DOC: 528 KB)

Illinois (large association)

The Illinois Association supports the Division of Real Estate executive order, held in-district meetings with members of the U.S. House, and introduced a program for first-time homebuyers.

Read moredoc (DOC: 31 KB)

Iowa (small association)

The Iowa Association restructured the "Visionary Team," introduced a new bill to the Iowa Legislature, and created a new Board of Directors course.

Read morepdf (PDF: 84 KB)

Kansas (medium association)

The Kansas Association is testing its Keynote Online Educational Series, has worked on several legislative issues, and continues to promote sharing data using RPR®.

Read moredoc (DOC: 24 KB)

Louisiana (medium association)

Louisiana REALTORS® is focusing on building a new headquarters and maintaining a strong legislative and PAC presence.

Read moredoc (DOC: 25 KB)

Massachusetts (large association)

The Massachusetts Government Affairs Committee established the Massachusetts State Political Coordinators Program, modeled after NAR’s Federal Political Coordinators Program.

Read moredoc (DOC: 65 KB)

Michigan (large association)

Michigan REALTORS® has removed the state administrative agency from the continuing education approval and tracking process. They are also looking at strategic investments.

Read morepdf (PDF: 48 KB)

Missouri (medium association)

The Missouri Association is implementing an advocacy strategy that encourages and supports local boards/associations to build capacity, develop local plans, and provide necessary staffing and training.

Read morepdf (PDF: 16.02 MB)

Montana (small association)

The Montana Association is asking the Legislative Audit Committee to conduct a performance audit of the continuing education approval process.

Read moredoc (DOC: 25 KB)

Nebraska (small association)

The Nebraska Association developed the REALTOR® Mark of Excellence to recognize individual achievements throughout the state.

Read morepdf (PDF: 218 KB)

New Hampshire (small association)

The New Hampshire Association is collaborating with the state's Real Estate Commission on statutory definition of broker supervision.

Read moredoc (DOC: 24 KB)

New Jersey (large association)

The New Jersey Association is working on strategic planning and rebranding, including a new brand identity.

Read moredoc (DOC: 26 KB)

New Mexico (small association)

The REALTOR® Association of New Mexico is looking at big changes to their annual conference and a partnership with other state housing organizations.

Read moredoc (DOC: 24 KB)

New York (large association)

NYSAR recently held an idea exchange forum and plans to compile a resource page where local boards can offer to share or provide services to other local boards.

Read morepdf (PDF: 135 KB)

North Carolina (large association)

NCAR launched an outreach campaign aimed at increasing membership, engagement, and community involvement.

Read moredoc (DOC: 26 KB)

North Dakota (small association)

The North Dakota Association is working towards the permanent ban of Transfer Taxes and celebrating the fifth anniversary of REALTOR® Ring Day.

Read moredoc (DOC: 24 KB)

Ohio (large association)

The Ohio Association is tackling behind-the-scenes issues to ensure its long-term relevance, including an overview of its nominating process.

Read moredoc (DOC: 28 KB)

Oklahoma (medium association)

The Oklahoma Association is developing a new education website, raising professionalism standards, and has refreshed their brand.

Read morepdf (PDF: 58 KB) 

Oregon (medium association)

The Oregon Association is focusing on building their RPAC culture and fundraising.

Read moredoc (DOC: 34 KB)

Pennsylvania (large association)

The Pennsylvania Association launched an advocacy campaign to encourage the Pennsylvania Senate to approve Senate Bill 76.

Read morepdf (PDF: 1.20 MB)

South Dakota (small association)

The South Dakota Association completed its Leadership Retreat, established a Leadership Academy, and continued to focus on education.

Read moredoc (DOC: 27 KB)

Tennessee (large association)

The Tennessee Association is promoting its no-risk shared-reward education model.

Read moredoc (DOC: 24 KB)

Texas (large association)

The Texas Association introduced a Broker Operations Policy & Procedures manual and is expanding the PAC.

Read moredoc (DOC: 49 KB)

Utah (medium association)

The Utah Association is developing the Utah Land Company, an online, statewide training program on land-use law, smart growth, and affordable homeownership.

Read moredoc (DOC: 24 KB)

Virginia (large association)

The Virginia Association is taking a more holistic approach to fundraising, so created a group tasked with planning their strategy.

Read morepdf (PDF: 48 KB)