Core Standards Checklists
Local associations can download and use these checklists to monitor and report Core Standards completion progress to their association leadership.
- Core Standards Checklistxlsx (XLSX: 14 KB)
- Core Standards Checklist for Commercial Overlay Boardsxlsx (XLSX: 13 KB)
- Core Standards Compliance Best Practices Resourcepdf (Fillable PDF: 74 KB)
- Core Standards Handoutpdf (PDF: 512 KB)
This handout provides an overview of the Core Standards and the administrative procedures. - Core Standards Certification Form for Local Associationsdocx (Word: 33.85 KB)
This handout may be used to prepare the association's reporting in the Core Standards Certification Form and share the association’s work with their leadership.
State Association Resources
View best practices based on feedback from the 2022 Core Standards appeal hearing panels that were delivered at the State AE Forum during the 2022 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings.
Resources by Core Standard Category

Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics Training Toolkit for AEs
This toolkit helps AEs administer and implement required REALTORS® Code of Ethics Training Requirements.
Fair Housing Grants
The Fair Housing Grant program provides funding to state and local REALTOR® Associations to enhance the importance fair housing plays in our industry and in our communities. A grant can help offset the cost of a fair housing initiative or activity.
RPAC Dues Billing
The RPAC Dues Billing document contains detailed information on preparing and collecting RPAC investments as well as communication and transfer of RPAC funds in order to meet the core standards.
The REALTOR® Party offers programs, grants and other tools and resources, as well as expertise, to help associations meet the Core Standards’ Vote, Act and/or Invest requirements.
REALTOR® Party Resource Guide
The REALTOR® Party Resource Guide provides resources, funding, and turn-key implementation tools to help state and local REALTOR® associations run successful advocacy and community outreach programs.
RPR® Resources for Core Standards
RPR® offers a number of resources to help associations meet these standards in the areas of communication, technology, education, and advocacy.
Consumer Outreach
Shared Services Toolkit
Shared services programs can help REALTOR® associations expand services and streamline management through strategic partnerships. Sharing services with other local associations can help all involved meet the Core Standards.
RPR® Resources for Core Standards
RPR® offers a number of resources to help associations meet these standards in the areas of communication, technology, education, and advocacy.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion
A REALTOR® sworn to uphold a strict Code of Ethics must treat all clients equally, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Read NAR's Diversity and Inclusion Committment Statement, find useful resources, and more.
DEI Best Practices for Core Standards
This list of DEI program ideas and best practicespdf provides guidance for associations to increase diversity and inclusive representation within their leadership and overall membership. Be sure to check with your state association in order to assure the activity will comply.
- Document
Diversity Initiative Grant Program
Provides resources to state and local associations as a key strategy in NAR’s overall diversity program. Note: View the Success Stories tab for more information.
Guide to Forming a Local Association Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee - Washington REALTORS®pdf
Download this guide from the Washington REALTORS® designed to help Local Associations plan and form a DEI committee.
Actionable Roadmap for Local Association Diversity and Inclusion
Use this roadmap as the first steps to engage your full spectrum of membership, including those potentially underrepresented, through activities and leadership.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Resources
The purpose of this page is to collect perspectives and resources from around the country for associations to reference and share in order to keep the conversation moving forward.
Insights Hub:
The Insights Hub is a website that serves as a central destination for insights about members. It includes dynamic Dashboards, detailed Research Papers, and a Knowledge Center, which is home to important educational materials. This tool helps associations measure and assess the diversity within their membership, offers insights about members, and includes numerous dashboards, two of which focus on diversity. All local and state association Points of Entry (POEs) have access to the Insights Hub via M1.
- Click on the M1 Menu link within the Point of Entries card (Username and Password required).
- Click on Analytics and Insights at the top to navigate to the Insights Hub.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Self-Study Module
This module will increase awareness among REALTOR® association leaders, members, and staff for a greater understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) issues. Completion of this module can satisfy Core Standard requirement II. Advocacy/F – an association must conduct or promote a diversity, equity and inclusion activity and a fair housing activity.
Fair Housing Self-Study Module
This module will increase awareness among REALTOR® association leaders, members, and staff for a greater understanding of fair housing issues. Completion of this module can satisfy Core Standard requirement II. Advocacy/F – an association must conduct or promote a diversity, equity and inclusion activity and a fair housing activity.
Unification Efforts and Support of the REALTOR® Organization
President/Chief Staff Executive Checklist
The purpose of this checklist is to determine the division of duties between the elected leadership and association staff.
MLS Certification Form
Certify that MLS’ rules, regulations and bylaws contain all of the mandatory provisions established by NAR.
Bylaws Certification Form & Resources
Certify that your association's bylaws are compliant.
New Member Orientation Materials
NAR provides member associations with the tools and resources needed help welcome new members into the REALTOR® family, including online orientation.
Strategic Planning Resources Toolkit
The NAR Strategic Planning Resources toolkit will help familiarize you with the strategic planning process and provide resources for you to meet the core standards strategic planning requirement at your association.
Core Standards Professional Development Opportunities
View a list of professional development programs and courses available from NAR to help you meet the Core Standards Professional Development requirement.
RPR® Resources for Core Standards
RPR® offers a number of resources to help associations meet these standards in the areas of communication, technology, education, and advocacy.
Shared Services Toolkit
Shared services programs can help REALTOR® associations expand services and streamline management through strategic partnerships. Sharing services with other local associations can help all involved meet the Core Standards.
Association Merger Procedure
NAR's Association Merger Procedure page features guidelines and a complete Merger Kit for associations wishing to explore the process of merging.
Alternative to Merging - Jerry Matthews presents a simplified merger process for small associations.
Geographic Chapter Bylaw Languagepdf - Sample bylaw provision authorizing operation of chapters – courtesy of the REALTORS® of Central Colorado.
Checklist of Merger Documentationdoc - Provides a sample list of essential documents associations will want to compile/complete prior to merger discussions and submission of merger application to NAR. Provided courtesy of Rick Harris.
Chapter Formation - Some local associations that are considering a merger may choose a “chapter” structure to preserve their identity.
Core Standards Technology Resources
The Core Standards require associations to have an interactive website that gives members and consumers access to information and resources related to filing ethics complaints and initiating dispute resolution. Access this at NAR’s Policy area: Ethics Complaints, Arbitration Requests and Related Information.
Download Nobu Hata's presentationpdf Core Standards Website Building webinar.
RPR® Resources for Core Standards
RPR® offers a number of resources to help associations meet these standards in the areas of communication, technology, education, and advocacy.
Financial Solvency
Core Standards Financial Resources
State and local associations can use these model financial policy documents to help meet the Financial Solvency element of NAR's Core Standards for State and Local Associations.