The National Association of REALTORS® issues Existing-Home Sales (EHS) data on a monthly basis to provide accurate and timely information on the state of the U.S. housing market. The EHS report provides a basis for our membership to understand housing trends and is widely reported by the national press. In addition, the report enhances the effectiveness of NAR's political and representational efforts on behalf of our members on Capitol Hill.

Help Us Expand Coverage: Complete Our Survey or Establish a RETS Connection

In order to expand our coverage of existing home sales to ensure that it is representative of national activity, we need your help! While there are over 500 Local Associations/MLS who already participate in the survey, we are continuously looking to expand and update our survey to provide the best data we can for you.

We invite all local associations/boards/MLSs* to participate in NAR's monthly EHS survey. In many cases, all that is required is to press a button to update the form and complete the data submission.

*Please note: local boards/MLSs participating in US HouseSTATS do not need to submit their statistics as we are already including their figures in our reporting.

To participate in the survey

  • Download and complete the survey formxls (Excel).
  • Submit the completed form to NAR Research each month, by the 15th1 of the month, via email at or by fax at 202-434-9700.

1The data cutoff date varies depending on the EHS release schedule. Data submitted by the 15th will be included in the primary release. Data submitted after the 15th may not be included until the revision.

To establish a RETS Connection

Contact NAR Research at to discuss the procedure.

Why send data to NAR?

  • Improve the quality of your area's housing statistics and market reports
  • Continue to establish that you are the credible source for housing market information in your area
  • Expand and elevate the credibility of the REALTOR® name and brand
  • Provide value-added information to REALTOR® members and the housing industry

Where can I find more information?

If you have a question about data security or need help with a data submission question, please feel free to contact either Michael Hyman at or They will be happy to help you set up the most convenient system to report your data to NAR.

If you already have data ready to submit, your information can be submitted to NAR by e-mail at We thank you for your assistance in this effort.