Learn about ways to help reluctant clients get rid of stuff and how to streamline your own business practices.  Additionally, two big ideas for aiding home affordability. Minneapolis is aiming to expand inventory by banning single-family zoning. Will new inventory and increased densities mean greater affordability? And down payment assistance programs are getting renewed attention as a way to help aspiring homeowners. Help renters leap into ownership with loan programs that offer down payment assistance—but make sure your clients know what they’re getting into. 

Plus: Sustainability is good for business, the sun is shining on solar power energy, doing business "Inside the Box", MLS games people play, avoiding cyber liability, year end inventory drops, next steps on Fair Housing, In the Trenches, and much more. 


Spring Clean Your Business
How decluttering your listings, your business practices, and your life can help you leap forward.

One Lot, Three Homes
In a trendsetting move, Minneapolis has banned single-family zoning. Will new inventory and increased densities mean greater affordability?

Go in for the Assist
Help renters leap into ownership with loan programs that offer down payment assistance—but make sure your clients know what they’re getting into.


Sustainability: It’s Good Business

The Sun is Shining on Solar

Doing Business ‘Inside the Box’

MLS Games People Play

Avoid Cyber Liability

Time to Get Moving

Inventory Drops at Year End


Next Steps on Fair Housing

In the Trenches: A Closing Gift Twist
