Browse past data compiled by REALTOR® Magazine for our exclusive biennial franchise report.

Learn about and download the following Franchise Reports:

2023 Franchise Report

2023 Franchise Report

When deciding whether to buy a franchise, brokers are finding more choice today than ever before.

Earlier Franchise Reports

2021 Franchise Report

Compare basic offering information for more than 30 residential franchise companies, and discover what some brokers and franchisors say is their company’s special sauce

2019 Franchise Report

Here’s a rundown of 28 franchise brands, from Century 21, which began franchising in 1971, to Pink Realty, which launched last year.

2017 Franchise Report

See the latest data on companies big and small, and learn how some franchises are accommodating teams and others who want to emphasize personal branding.

2015 Franchise Report

Considering affiliating? Get the scoop on the offerings at nearly three dozen companies.

2013 Franchise Report

Get the details on 32 different franchise brands—from Real Estate Inc, which began franchising in 1971, to United Real Estate, which launched earlier this year.

2011 Franchise Report

Franchisees say strongly branded companies offer advantages during tough times because of the support services and training they offer.

2009 Franchise Report: Power of the Brand

As the industry retrenches, franchisors--large and small--lay the groundwork for growth.

2007 Franchise Report

The move toward affiliation remains strong, especially as markets across the country remain in correction mode after the boom years.

2005 Franchise Report: Affiliation Booms With Sales Growth

Fueled by the growth of new licensees entering the industry, residential real estate franchises are showing strong gains in the number of affiliate and corporate-owned offices, an exclusive REALTOR® Magazine survey shows.

2003 Franchise Report: Is It Time to Brand Your Company?

The country’s residential real estate franchise companies are seeing healthy growth, an exclusive REALTOR® Magazine survey shows.
