Ana Becerra 2018 Terry McDermott Community Leadership Award Recipient

Ana Becerra, AE at the Harlingen Board of ­REALTORS®, Texas, was honored at the 2018 REALTORS® Conference & Expo in Boston with the Terry McDermott Community Leadership Award for her tireless work with four local charities.

In 2016, Becerra opened a chapter of Share the Love, a national cloth diaper bank run by volunteers to provide free cloth diapers to low-income families. “The counties in Rio Grande Valley are among the poorest in the nation and I felt this was something my community could really benefit from,” says Bacerra, who personally collects donations, makes necessary repairs to elastics and snaps, and promotes the program at area free clinics, hospitals, and daycare centers.

Becerra also supports Sea Turtle Inc. by selling items, such as reusable straws, totes, and hair clips, that enable people to use less plastic, which can end up in the ocean threatening the sea turtles that nest in the South Padre Islands. Her other charity work includes mentoring youth and organizing local parenting events.

Jessica Hickok, RCE, CAE Oklahoma Association of REALTORS® and Courtney Wilson National Association of REALTORS®

AE Leaders of Tomorrow Young Professionals Award

Jessica Hickok, RCE, CAE, CEO, Oklahoma Association of REALTORS® (left) and Courtney Wilson, a specialist in Association Leadership Development at the National Association of REALTORS®, both received the National Association of REALTORS®’ 2018 AE Leaders of Tomorrow Young Professionals Award, which recognizes AEs who foster greater involvement and increased professionalism among their YPN AE peers and REALTOR® members.

AE Leadership Society 2018 Inductees

Leadership Society Winners 2019

Steve Francks, RCE, CAE, CEO, Washington REALTORS® (left); Steve Volkodav, RCE, CEO, North Shore-Barrington Association of REALTORS®, Ill., and Sandy Naragon, RCE, CEO, Akron Cleveland Association of REALTORS®, Ohio were inducted into the Dr. Almon R. (Bud) Smith, RCE, AE Leadership Society. Members of the Society are recognized as being active, ongoing leaders, innovators, and mentors for the AE community.