“No matter what we are facing, we are a team no matter where we are located,” NAR CEO Bob Goldberg said in a statement. “Together, we will get through this by sharing information and by following the best protocols for health and safety—both for us and for our clients and customers.”

Hundreds of REALTOR® association events and classes were canceled this spring as the coronavirus stay-at-home measures restricted in-person gatherings, but that didn’t stop associations from delivering valuable education to members.

  • The Central Panhandle Association of REALTORS®, Fla., launched webinar versions of many of its popular classes and retooled other offerings to focus on working remotely, including one called “How to Work Virtually in Today’s Business Environment.”
  • The Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® dedicated its home page to news and advice for members on working through the quarantine, including articles written by its staff and attorneys on topics, such as the proper use of COVID-19 addendums to sale contracts and “Tips For Engaging With Clients Virtually.”
  • The Coastal Carolinas Association of REALTORS® posted a curated list of free online training opportunities for members that included links to webinars from well-know real estate industry speakers.
  • The Miami Association of REALTORS® invited its members to watch most educational courses when and where they wanted via livestreaming at MiamiRealtorsLive.com. Many live events were broadcast via Zoom, including its economic outlook series. 
  • Chicago REALTORS®, like many other associations, encouraged members to take advantage of existing online education opportunities to meet continuing education requirements and earn designations. One Chicago REALTORS® Facebook post read, “Our online CE options are easy to complete while at home practicing social distancing! The virtual classes will help you knock out your CE credits during downtime.” The National Association of REALTORS® made it easier to do by offering no and low-cost options to obtain CE through Right Tools, Right Now.
  • The California Association of REALTORS® kept members informed on the latest coronavirus–related real estate news via a series of special webinars, including “Safer Seller Disclosures During COVID-19.” The association also plans to conduct a virtual legislative day and virtual committee and director meetings in place of its Spring Business Meetings. 
  • The NAR announced in March that the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings and Trade Expo would go on in May as a virtual event and include key sessions and committee meetings and elections. 
  • “No matter what we are facing, we are a team no matter where we are located,” NAR CEO Bob Goldberg said in a statement. “Together, we will get through this by sharing information and by following the best protocols for health and safety—both for us and for our clients and customers.”