In this issue of On Common Ground, we consider the role placemaking plays in economic development today. From celebrating the uniqueness of a place to bringing amenities such as food markets to make more complete walkable neighborhoods, placemaking is becoming a leading economic development strategy.

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In This Issue

There was a time when the term “economic development,” as used by most public officials and business leaders, referred to the ...

By Steve Wright
Cities benefit from using the arts as an economic development tool.
From almost the beginning of time, the arts ...

Streamlined Regulations and Urban Design Guidelines as an Economic Development Strategy
In the lore of urban America, Buffalo, NY, ...

A community’s heritage and diversity spurs home-grown economic development
There was a time when cities and towns looked to ...

The Creative Class Is Key to Current Economic Development Trends
In today’s evolving economy, the road to prosperity requires...

By Steve Wright
Are Science Developments In Harmony or Conflict with Smart Growth?
A high-tech software company wants to bring its...

Medical Centers can draw talent, spur development and revitalize an area
Beyond providing life-saving care and essential research, ...
