Quick Takeaways

  • Hazard insurance is the part of the homeowners policy that protects property owners against damage caused by fires, severe storms, hail, sleet, or other natural events.
  • Insurance companies have been raising rates or reducing coverage in high-risk areas to address the rising costs of insuring and replacing homes due to natural disasters.
  • NAR supports the development of federal disaster public policies that that proactively reduce the risk of property damage and, consequently, insurance rates in high-disaster-risk areas.
  • NAR's Disaster Preparation Resources page has many educational resources for real estate professionals, including how to plan for, protect against, respond to and recover from natural disasters.

What is Hazard Insurance?

Hazard insurance provides coverage that protects property owners against damage caused by fires, severe storms, hail, sleet, or other natural events. It typically refers to a section of a homeowners insurance policy that safeguards the home and surrounding structures. Mortgage lenders often require homeowners to have hazard coverage as part of their homeowners policy. However, standard homeowners policies do not cover flood hazards; a separate policy can be purchased from the National Flood Insurance Program or the private flood insurance market.

NAR Policy on Natural Disaster

NAR supports the development of federal disaster policies that meet the following principles:

  1. Pre-disaster prevention, preparedness, and the proactive reduction of risk should be emphasized, but post-disaster emergency assistance included;
  2. Private insurance markets should be promoted to assume more risk;
  3. Premiums should align with property specific risk and not include major surcharges, assessments or cross subsidies;
  4. Higher building codes and ordinances should be encouraged that avoid costly property damage;
  5. Pre-disaster mitigation assistance should be provided to current homeowners; and
  6. Full transparency, disclosure and mapping is required for informed real estate decisions.

See References for more information

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