This Handbook on Multiple Listing Policy Commercial/Industrial Supplement is intended to provide Member Boards of REALTORS® with the governing documents necessary to establish commercial/industrial multiple listing services and commercial information exchanges as either Board committees or as wholly-owned subsidiaries of Boards of REALTORS®.

Among the governing documents provided are authorizing articles for inclusion in the bylaws of a Board of REALTORS®; rules and regulations for the operation of commercial/industrial Multiple Listing Services and information exchanges; and bylaws for those that are established as wholly-owned subsidiaries of Boards of REALTORS®.

The following information can be found in the Handbook on Multiple Listing Policy, updated copies of which are provided to each Board and Association of REALTORS® annually: detailed information on the history of multiple listing; the registered service mark of the National Association; the policies approved by the National Association’s Board of Directors that relate to the operation of multiple listing services and information exchanges of all types; and preservation of the tax exempt status of Boards of REALTORS® that operate Multiple Listing Services.

As noted in the Preface to the Handbook on Multiple Listing Policy, multiple listing is an evolving concept. These Handbooks are intended to facilitate the growth and evolution of such activities to better serve REALTORS®, their clients and customers, and the public. Recommendations regarding the policies of the National Association related to the establishment and operation of Multiple Listing Services or to any of the information included in these Handbooks should be addressed to the Multiple Listing Policy Committee of the National Association of REALTORS® in care of Board Policy and Programs, 430 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611-4087.