Use of the term REALTOR® with a Member’s Firm Name

Use of the REALTOR® Logo with a Member’s Firm Name and Logo

Use of the Term REALTOR® with a Member’s Firm Name

Members are licensed by NAR to use one or more of the MARKS in connection with or in reference to themselves and their real estate businesses by using them adjacent to, but not as a part of, a member’s firm name. The MARKS may never be incorporated into the legal name of a member’s real estate business.

As used throughout this Manual, “firm name” means the local name by which a member’s real estate business is distinguished from other firms by the Member Board, the state licensing authority, and the public.

When selecting a firm name, members are strongly encouraged to utilize the words “Realty,” “Real Estate," or similar terms that indicate the real estate nature of their business. When these words are used in the firm name, the terms REALTOR® and REALTORS® are more clearly and easily perceived as indicators of membership and professional commitment.

The following examples show the proper use and placement of the MARKS in connection with a member’s firm name and are permitted:

Proper Use
Uptown Realty, Inc., REALTORS®
Smith, Ltd., REALTORS®
Sunshine Homes, REALTORS®
Johnson Realty, REALTORS®

The following examples show the improper use and placement of the MARKS in connection with a member’s firm name and are prohibited:

Improper Use
Uptown REALTORS®, Inc.
Smith REALTORS®, Ltd.
Sunshine REALTORS® Homes
Johnson Realty REALTORS®

In the case of firms that are affiliated with a franchise organization or independent offices owned by a conglomerate, the individual firm name serves to distinguish one franchise or conglomerate office from another of the same franchise or conglomerate. Members who work for such firms may use the MARKS in connection with their firm name. However, franchise organizations, conglomerates, and networks are not authorized by NAR to use the MARKS, and members are prohibited from sublicensing such right to them.

If a member’s firm is a franchisee or an independent office of a conglomerate, then it would be proper for the MARK to follow the member’s firm name, such as: Franchise Company, member’s Firm Name, REALTORS® or member’s Firm Name, REALTORS®, Franchise Company.

While the terms REALTOR® and REALTORS® may be used in connection with a firm name, they may not be used in conjunction with a description of the firm's other lines of business or any other occupation or vocation of the member, even if the other occupation or vocation is part of or related to the member's real estate business.

For example, if a member is also involved in construction or insurance businesses, it is proper to use the MARKS as follows:

Proper Use
Jones, Inc., REALTOR®
Real Estate Broker/Builder

Smith Realty, REALTORS®
Real Estate Brokerage-Insurance

However, it is improper to use the MARKS as follows:

Improper Use
Jones, Inc., REALTOR®/Builder

Smith Realty
REALTORS® - Insurance

Use of words such as “Builder” or “Insurer” in conjunction with the terms REALTOR® or REALTORS® may mislead the reader into thinking that the term REALTOR® is an ordinary descriptive word which identifies an occupation or vocation.

Finally, if a member’s firm has brokers or salespersons who are not members of NAR, the member may use the terms REALTOR® or REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®, but not the REALTOR® Logo, on business cards or letterhead used by those non-member brokers or salespersons if those terms are used in connection with the firm name and not the name of such individual and it is otherwise clear that the broker or principals of the firm hold REALTOR® membership and not the non-member brokers or salespersons.

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Use of the REALTOR® Logo With a Member’s Firm Name and Logo

The REALTOR® Logo may be used adjacent to a member’s firm name and logo as long as the firm logo does not detract from, or compete with, the distinctiveness or identifiability of the REALTOR® Logo. The REALTOR® Logo may not be used in connection with or adjacent to a franchisor or a conglomerate name or logo.

Salespersons who are affiliated with a REALTOR® but who are not themselves members of NAR may not use business cards with the REALTOR® Logo imprinted thereon. This strict prohibition on use of the REALTOR® Logo on business cards of non-members applies even if the REALTOR® Logo is used immediately adjacent to the name of the firm or member with whom the salesperson is affiliated. Any use of the REALTOR® Logo on the business cards of non-member salespeople has been interpreted by the Board of Directors of NAR as implying that salesperson is, in fact, a member. Therefore, such use is prohibited.

Decorative or script typefaces of copy adjacent to the REALTOR® Logo are not recommended because they compete with and detract from the REALTOR® Logo. In particular, Futura Black, the typeface used for the stylized "R" in the REALTOR® Logo, should never be used in adjacent copy. The following examples are improper uses because they use Futura typeface for the term or copy adjacent to the REALTOR® Logo:

The following typefaces were chosen for their maximum compatibility with Avant Garde Light, the typeface used for the term REALTOR® as it appears under the block "R". They are also recommended for adjacent copy because of their clear, clean graphic character.

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