Political advocacy is one way NAR serves as your champion. We’ve got your long-term interests front and center whether we’re meeting with lawmakers or providing you with essential business resources.

Everyone needs an advocate. So do businesses, issues, and even ideas. The National Association of REALTORS® is your advocate. Our association is committed to protecting and promoting the interests and well-being of REALTORS®.

Generally speaking, NAR advocacy refers to the tremendous work of the REALTOR® Party. This nonpartisan and powerful alliance of REALTORS® and REALTOR® associations labors tirelessly to advance candidates and public policies that build strong, vibrant communities in which to do business. Given the political climate, it’s critical that REALTORS® come together and speak with one voice about the stability that a sound, dynamic real estate market brings to our cities, towns, and neighborhoods. NAR and the 
REALTOR® Party are prepared and ready to fight on your behalf to safeguard policies affecting housing, homeownership, and real estate investment.

Unquestionably, 2017 is a year of transition, and we remain focused on a range of legislative and regulatory issues from tax reform and housing finance reform to health care and flood insurance. NAR’s lobbyists and leaders stay on top of all these and more, and with your support, the REALTOR® Party will continue to take comprehensive action to champion our causes. Our March/April issue offers a preview of the key issues we’ll be talking about when our state and local delegations visit Capitol Hill and the NAR positions and tactics on policies that matter to you.

I also want to remind you that NAR is a multifaceted organization, and political advocacy is only one of the ways we’re working on your behalf. The association provides a litany of resources and services, covering areas like technology, education, and research, to support your business success. I encourage even the most seasoned members to take the time to explore the many benefits of membership and keep an eye out for new ones.

One of the core goals NAR’s Leadership Team set for 2017 is to help members better help themselves. Your long-term financial future is a critical concern. Many REALTORS® make a decent living but lack the savings to retire when they’d like to. In fact, at least 
25 percent of Americans over age 62 lack any retirement assets, according to a 2016 Urban Institute report, and this trend is not likely to change within the next 50 years.

NAR wants to see all of our members become and remain financially solvent and independent. In this feature, you’ll find thoughtful recommendations for long-term saving and investing tailored to practitioners at various career stages. For many of us, the key to financial security is regularly investing in—what else?—real estate. We’re continuing to explore ways to help you get the support you need for a secure future for you and your family.