Download the MLS Schedule of Fines for Administrative Sanctions:

Note: MLSs may adopt all or some of the above for administrative sanctions. Fines for each offense, as well as any possible training requirements, must be established in advance and should be followed consistently.

MLSs, at their discretion, may adopt an escalating fine schedule for repeat violations and also may impose a training requirement in addition to or as an alternative to payment of a fine for any of the offenses listed. If an escalating fine schedule is adopted, it may only be used in circumstances where sanctions are issued by the same MLS.

The amount of a fine for any offense is at the option of the MLS. MLSs are encouraged to review the MLS Disciplinary Guidelines found in Part Two: Policies, F. Enforcement of Rules, Section 5 of the NAR Handbook on Multiple Listing Policy for guidance on applicable and appropriate sanctions. (Amended 11/24)