NAR Global connects you to a network of qualified REALTORS®, provides education to help you work with international clients, and delivers the business tools to help you globalize your business.

International Real Estate Professionals

Find the information, education, and connections you need to thrive in the growing field of international real estate. NAR works to make the global real estate market accessible, profitable, and ethical for REALTORS®, and offers International REALTOR® Membership to real estate practitioners outside the U.S.

Find a REALTOR® Worldwide Find a CIPS

Global Business Councils

Global Business Councils, comprised of volunteers and staff liaisons within the local or state structure of NAR, take the lead in planning global programs, hosting educational events and collaborating with other boards and outside entities to build awareness among members of the global business opportunities within their own market.

Global Alliances

NAR maintains formal relationships with 100 organized real estate associations around the world, giving REALTORS® confidence in working with professionals that abide by a code of ethics.


NAR's Reach Is Global

The National Association of REALTORS® extends beyond the United States and is also a global trade association, providing resources and support to International REALTOR® Members around the world. Watch this video and learn more about the tools and resources NAR has for IRMs and how these can be used to grow their network and increase their business.

NAR en Español

NAR en español permite a los miembros y socios colaboradores acceder a información, herramientas, productos y servicios en español.

Global Perspectives

Global Perspectives in Real Estate is a resource for global professionals that outlines how members can globalize their local market.

Local Market Assessments

These state-level case studies can help you learn to identify and cultivate global business, a growing real estate specialty in the U.S.

How positive are the experiences you provide your international clients, even the seemingly small-time purchases?

I just attended the Texas Association of REALTORS® Conference in Dallas (a top-notch event, by the way). While I was there, a member shared a story about an international client who called him, looking to sell a $10,000 parcel of land.  $10,000? This agent wasn’t going to...

Not so long ago, if you wanted to be a player in the international real estate arena, you had few options but to hop on an airplane and travel the world to meet potential clients and referral partners. This limited the playing field to those who could afford the price tag that comes with being a world traveler. But that was before the internet. And email. And more media....