Global events are a great way to build your professional network and expand your knowledge of global business practices. The following is a list of worldwide events that NAR participates in, are hosted by our bilateral partners, or are sponsored by another industry alliance.

For specific information on any one of these events, please contact the sponsoring organization for complete details.

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More About Global Business Council Events

Global Business Councils provide NAR members with unique opportunities to participate in globally themed education, programming and networking. Whether it's a seminar on "How to do Business with China" or hosting an inbound trade mission with an NAR bilateral partner, don't miss out on the chance to expand your knowledge and your business.

More About Trade Missions

One of the attributes of a strong Global Business Council is to be involved in organizing either an inbound or outbound trade mission. Trade missions are international trips organized for the purpose of exploring international business opportunities, learning about a foreign market, and building relationships.

The trade missions listed on this page are being hosted by Local and State Global Business Councils, for the purpose of fostering international real estate connections.

Frequently Asked Questions About Trade Missions

NOTE: NAR is not a sponsor or organizer of the trade missions listed on this page and is in no way responsible for these events. These details are being provided for informational purposes only. The indicated local or state association or NAR bilateral partner is responsible for their respective trade mission(s). Please contact that organization with any questions or for additional information.

If you have any questions about this page, please contact Stephanie Aker at