What is the event dress code?

Dress is business casual, which means dressing professionally, looking relaxed yet neat and pulled together.

What will the weather be like?

Plan for weather before you arrive by checking the local forecast.  

When should I plan my arrival and departure?

All Advocacy Week attendees should plan to arrive in time for a 6:00 PM ET welcome reception at the Building Museum. The event programming will conclude at approximately 12:00 PM ET on Friday, January 24, followed by the Policy Forum, which begins with a group lunch at 12:30 PM, a general session from 1:30 to 4:00 PM and ends with a networking cocktail reception at 5:30pm. For more information, please check the schedule section

What costs are covered by NAR*?

The following costs are covered by NAR for RPT invited groups, PPCC members and FPCs, only.

  • Hotel lodging for three nights,
  • Event meals
  • Coach class airfare, and
  • Ground transportation costs.

*Non-NAR members who RSVP and attend the Policy Forum will be responsible for covering any costs associated with their attendance.

How do I submit my expenses after my trip is complete?

The NAR Member Expense Form can be found on the NAR Member Travel Policy and Expense Report page. Forms should be filled out and sent electronically to expenses@realtors.org. For questions related to cost reimbursements please reach out to us at AdvocacyWeek@nar.realtor.
