RCE Exam

RCE exams are only offered locally online in April and October annually with an RCE proctor. A computer and secure internet connection are required. RCE candidates must be pre-registered to take the exam.

Candidates must take all exam modules on the same day during each exam cycle. All of the major sections listed below are covered in the examination. Each bulleted entry listed under the major sections indicates an exam topic. The three modules are:

Module I – Association Management and Business Operations

  • Communications
  • Education
  • Facilities and Equipment
  • Financial, Budget, and Tax Management
  • Human Resources
  • Marketing
  • Meeting Management
  • Membership Development
  • Planning and Visioning
  • Product/Program Development
  • Professional Services
  • Public Relations
  • Technology
  • Volunteer, Staff and Partner Relationships

Module II – Legal and Policy

  • Governing Documents and Policy
  • Legal and Regulatory Activities
  • Membership Policies and Procedures
  • MLS Policies and Delivery of Services
  • Professional Standards

Module III – REALTOR® Organization and Real Estate Industry

  • Advocacy and REALTOR® Party
  • Association Structures and Relationships
  • Commercial Services and Structures
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Fair Housing
  • General Real Estate Practices
  • Global
  • Institutes, Societies and Councils/NAR Designations, Certifications, and Certificate Courses
  • Real Estate Trends

Exam Process

Candidates have 60 minutes to complete each module. Details and registration information are provided to eligible candidates prior to each examination date. RCE candidates must be pre-registered in order to take the exam.

ADF workshops designed to help you maximize the points on your ADF and to prepare for the examination are offered at the AE Institute and state/local regional meetings.

The RCE examination consists of 120 multiple-choice questions (40 questions in each of the three exam modules). Candidates are required to obtain a minimum of 350 points on the ADF and a minimum passing score of 75% on each of the three modules of the RCE exam to earn the designation.


Candidates who do not successfully pass all three (3) modules of the examination within two years after receiving their ADF will receive a one exam cycle extension (the next available exam date) to pass the module(s) they did not pass; candidate will pay a $55 exam retake fee per module(s).

Candidates who do not take any of the three (3) modules of the examination within two years after receiving their ADF score must resubmit a new ADF, along with a $395 nonrefundable reapplication fee.

Taking the Exam


You will want to use the valuable resources developed for studying for the RCE exam. Also, read more about how the RCE exam is scored.

Exam Dates

  • Spring Exam Cycle (April)
  • Fall Exam Cycle (October)