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The At Home With Diversity® curriculum encompasses topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, fair housing, and risk reduction. Participants will gain practical skills and tools to expand business and effectively serve all clients.

Course Goals

  • Develop an increased awareness of cultural and personal biases that may inhibit you from fully embracing diversity and creating a successful multicultural real estate business.
  • Learn inclusive, multi-cultural marketing and advertising strategies to broaden your client base.
  • Formulate an inclusive business plan to help you create an enduring business that is able to adapt and evolve to an ever-changing marketplace.

Course Learning Outcomes

Module 1: The Foundation of a Better Business: Embracing Diversity

  • Discuss the importance of embracing diversity on both a professional and personal level to grow a thriving and inclusive real estate business.
  • Summarize the cultural concepts and social categories that will help you to better understand, relate to, and engage with clients in our diverse real estate market.
  • Describe the immigrant community in the United States and their increasing buying power in the real estate market.

Module 2: Housing Policy in America: Past and Present

  • Outline the major historic events leading up to the Fair Housing Act and how it informs the need for inclusive housing policies today.
  • Summarize what’s in the Fair Housing Act, including its protected classes, its prohibitions, and its exemptions.
  • Describe the real estate practices that pose particular risks of discrimination and the process to follow in reporting acts of discrimination.

Module 3: A House Is a Home: One America Principles

  • Explain why One America Principles are a fundamental part of inclusive real estate practices
  • Articulate why embracing diversity and inclusion is important to effectively adhering to NAR’s Code of Ethics and applying Fair Housing statutes.
  • Describe how you can utilize the Equal Professional Model and summarize other strategies you can use to ensure your real estate practice is inclusive.

Module 4: Be a Diversity Warrior: Combatting Bias to Create a Thriving Business

  • Distinguish between cultural and personal biases and how each can adversely shape our perceptions and behaviors when dealing with clients.
  • Explain how understanding the differences between high- and low-context cultures can help you to create a more successful and inclusive real estate business.
  • Summarize how reading nonverbal cues and active listening can help you better engage and effectively communicate with a diverse client base.

Module 5: Expanding Your Business: Inclusive Multicultural Marketing

  • Understand the value of analyzing the demographics of your community and creating an inclusive brand.
  • Explain the importance of networking and performing meaningful multicultural outreach in your community.
  • Create an advertising and social media marketing strategy that is inclusive and FHA compliant.

Module 6: Creating Your Inclusive Business Plan

  • Formulate an inclusive business plan that embraces diversity and grows your business.