Use these specific resources to help you develop relationships with and train volunteer leaders.

General Resources

AE/President Task List
To get the volunteer/staff year off to a good start, both team partners (the president and the chief staff executive/AE) need to define who will do what during the term. One way to enhance this dialogue between the president and AE is to discuss issues common to both.

State and Local Volunteer Leaders
Information for association presidents on leading the association, working with members, and working with association staff.

Media Relations Resources

Talking Points
The information presented here is for national, state and local REALTOR® leaders and staff who speak to the media. These talking points will help you deliver the REALTOR® position and perspective during media interviews. The topics cover current industry issues.


Leadership Development
Articles, tips, and practical examples for those wishing to develop and improve their leadership skills.

In-depth resources

The Answer Book: Working With Volunteers
Learn about relationship development, traditional committee functions, recognizing volunteers, liability issues, and more

NAR Acronymspdf
Handy PDF referencing the numerous acronyms Association Executives may encounter.