The National Association of REALTORS® board and delegates approved all but one of the Governance Game Changer Presidential Advisory Group’s recommendations at the 2021 REALTORS® Conference & Expo in November. Here’s a rundown of the changes that will affect AEs:
New Town Halls
Effective immediately, each local association president will be invited to attend a Town Hall meeting in the 30 days prior to each board of directors meeting. The goal of the meeting is to inform presidents about NAR business and get feedback on any motions the board will be considering at the upcoming meeting.
What this means for AEs: You’ll want to remind your president to attend Town Hall meetings.
Board Composition, Allocations, and Appointments
Board composition and structure will change in 2023. Local and state association director allocations will be determined using a formula based on a percentage of NAR members, with state and local association allocations determined independently of one another. Each state and territory association will receive two additional seats allocated specifically to small and medium-sized local associations.
Visit govpag.realtor for a comparison of current and new allocations. State and local associations will be required to submit the names of their appointed NAR directors to NAR by Sept. 15 of the year prior to their service.
What this means for AEs: NAR will contact AEs early this year with details on the submission process. Be forewarned: Failure to submit director names to NAR in a timely manner constitutes forfeiture of allocated appointments.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee will now meet four times per year. Its composition will remain very similar to its current composition but will assume authority for committee structure changes, committee recommendations, and policy positions (with some exceptions) from the board of directors.
What this means for AEs: Nothing changes for you here!
The RVP’s Role
Beginning with the 2024 class of regional vice presidents, the role will change to expressly require the RVP to focus on issues and duties that support NAR initiatives and effective decision-making at the national level as directed by NAR.
What this means for AEs: For regional caucus meetings, NAR will provide a requested agenda containing the business issues that require member perspectives to support informed decision-making at the board of directors meeting. RVPs and AEs can add topics as needed or as time allows.
RVP Elections
Beginning with the 2024 class, NAR will facilitate an electronic vote of all NAR directors in a region to elect a regional vice president candidate. RVP candidates will need to obtain an endorsement from their home state association, and state associations may endorse more than one qualified member.
What this means for AEs: Candidates will apply directly to NAR, NAR’s Credentials and Campaign Rules Committee will vet candidates, and NAR will handle elections using an electronic voting process. Once a regional election is completed, the winning candidates will be presented to the NAR board of directors. Additional details on the process will be communicated in the coming months.
Volunteer Leader Expectations
NAR’s volunteer leaders—directors, Executive Committee members, committee liaisons, committee chairs and vice-chairs, and regional vice presidents—will be required to satisfy specific qualifications and performance expectations starting in 2023 and in 2024. Visit govpag.realtor for details.
What this means for AEs: NAR will manage the process, and each volunteer leader will be expected to self-certify, meaning AEs shouldn’t expect to do this on their behalf. For NAR directors, certification forms will need to be completed before the association provides names to NAR on Sept. 15 each year.
We’ve done our best to alleviate AEs’ burden, but as always, we welcome your support and communication with volunteer leaders. NAR is currently determining the best processes for executing several of these changes and will communicate those with AEs and members as soon as possible. Thank you for all that you do to ensure the success of our volunteer leaders!