On November 15, 2021, the National Association of REALTORS® Board of Directors and Delegate Body approved nine transformative changes for the way NAR governance operates. The changes were based on a set of recommendations from the Governance Game Changer Presidential Advisory Group, and focus on the governance structure, process, people, resources, and culture of NAR:

  • A requirement that NAR's volunteer leaders—directors, Executive Committee members, committee liaisons, committee chairs and vice chairs, and RVPs—satisfy specific qualifications and performance expectation.
  • Changes to the composition of the Board of Directors.
  • Changes to the composition of the Executive Committee, as well as more frequent meetings and decision-making authority for the Executive Committee.
  • More specific duties for NAR Regional Vice Presidents and an electronic voting process, to be devised by NAR's Campaign Credentials & Rules Committee, in which NAR directors in a region elect their RVP candidates.
  • That Article IV of the NAR Constitution be deleted and replaced with language that reflect the new authority, qualifications, and composition of the new Board of Directors.
  • That Article V of the NAR Constitution be deleted and replaced with new language that reflects the authority, qualifications, and composition of the new Executive Committee.
  • That Executive Committee members be reimbursed by NAR for their travel expenses related to attending Executive Committee meetings consistent with NAR's member travel policy.

Please see below for information on the policy changes approved by the Board of Directors, as well as frequently asked questions and other resources.

Implementation Guide

Performance Expectations & Qualifications
