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nar hill visit 18 protect the american dream 1024w 513h

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Congress has not yet extended the mortgage debt forgiveness exclusion; this leaves homeowners with short sales in 2018 and beyond vulnerable to paying tax on forgiven mortgage debt. #NARLegislative Tweet this

Did you know? Currently, less than 10 percent of all condominiums have FHA approval? #NARLegislative Tweet this

Last time the National Flood Insurance Program was up for reauthorization in 2008, it took 17 extensions and a 2-month shutdown — scuttling an estimated 40,000 real estate closings per month. #NARLegislative Tweet this

Net neutrality requires that broadband networks be free of restrictions on content, sites or platforms. #NARLegislative Tweet this

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Download American Dream graphic (PNG: 411 KB)individual american dream states 851w 316h

Download American Dream 50 States graphic (PNG: 421KB)individual american dream states 851w 316h

Share Graphics on Social Media

Download and share these graphics on your social accounts, promoting issue talking points. Be sure to use the official meeting hashtag #NARLegislative.

Download Talking Points graphic (JPG:  300 KB)talking points 1024w 513h

Download Promote Economic Growth graphic (JPG: 445 KB)nar hill visit 18 promote economic growth 1024w 513h

Download Protect NFIP graphic (JPG: 558 KB)nar hill visit 18 protect nfip 1024w 513h

Download Protect the American Dream graphic (JPG: 491 KB)nar hill visit 18 protect the american dream 1024w 513h

Download Real Estate Makes America graphic (JPG: 464 KB)nar hill visit 18 real estate makes america 1024w 513h

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