Updated May 11, 2020

The Importance of Appropriate and Responsible Membership Policy

The importance of appropriate and responsible membership policy by a business, trade, or professional association increases in proportion to the size and importance of the organization and its services and benefits to the membership. If membership in an association is important to the ability of an individual to compete successfully in the business or trade it represents, it is imperative that membership in such association be available to all eligible and qualified individuals on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms. A business or trade association that does not provide membership access on such reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms is vulnerable to suit by those persons excluded arbitrarily and unreasonably from membership or arbitrarily and unreasonably expelled from membership in the association.

The law recognizes the right of a business, trade, or professional association to exist and operate to promote and elevate the professionalism, standards of conduct, and type of service provided by its members to the public (clients and customers). Further, the law recognizes, generally, the right of an association to limit its rights, benefits, privileges and services to its membership, so long as membership is available on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms and conditions. 

When associations fail to make membership available on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms, and when individuals denied membership seek access to association services through the courts, such access often, if not invariably, is granted if the service sought is determined to represent a significant competitive advantage. Further, in such cases, not only may access be granted, but damages may be awarded for injury suffered for any period of time during which services are denied.

Local Board and State Association Governance

Governing Document Review

Compliance with policies approved by the National Association's Boar of Directors is an ongoing obligation of boards and associations. This webpage explains the Association governing document review process.

Purpose and Function of a State Association of REALTORS®

A state association has two basic purposes:

  • to integrate more closely the work of local, state, and national bodies
  • to provide a means of permitting an individual in the real estate business, whose place of business is not located in the jurisdiction of a member board of REALTORS®, to become members of the National Association

By accepting conscientiously the great charge imposed upon them, state associations have established a record of outstanding service and leadership to their local member boards in their respective states.

State associations are invaluable links between the National Association and its member boards. By providing the leadership and expertise at the state level, and by creating an effective liaison between local boards and the National Association, a state association renders great service to the REALTOR® cause, serving constantly to improve the organization of REALTORS®.

NAR Membership Policy

Membership Qualification Criteria of the National Association for Applicants for REALTOR® Members

The following Membership Qualification Criteria have been developed by the Membership Policy and Board Jurisdiction Committee of the National Association to provide “reasonable and nondiscriminatory written requirements for membership.” These Membership Qualification Criteria are the most rigorous qualifications that an association of REALTORS® may require of REALTOR® applicants.

Membership Policy Statements Approved by the Board of Directors of the National Association of REALTORS®

See the official Membership Policy Statements approved by the Board of Directors of the National Association of REALTORS.