NAR’s association bylaws compliance process requires that associations only need to certify that your bylaws include the mandatory provisions that NAR requires to be adopted verbatim. Access the form to certify bylaw compliance and the mandatory provisions that must be included in your bylaws.

Beginning in 2021, NAR is implementing a similar process to certify MLS Bylaws and Rules and Regulations. 

Learn more about the bylaws certification process.

Learn more about the MLS governing document certification.


Compliance with NAR policies ensures:

What Must Comply:

  • Association bylaws;
  • If the association owns/operates an MLS, its MLS rules and regulations, and MLS bylaws (if the MLS is separately incorporated).

Certification Frequency:

  • Associations must certify their bylaws contain the mandatory provisions that NAR requires. The 2020 certification is sufficient since there were no changes to the mandatory provisions for 2021;
  • MLSs will be asked to certify their governing documents any time there are changed made to the mandatory provisions established by NAR.
  • Associations and MLSs are required to certify that their MLS governing documents comply with NAR policy and that their MLS governing documents have been self certified. See item 45-47 in the Core Standards Compliance Tool;
  • Associations and MLSs have sixty (60) days from the effective date of new or amended NAR policies to adopt them locally. The effective date for new or amended policies is January 1 of the year following their approval by NAR’s Board of Directors, unless the NAR Board of Directors establishes a different effective date.

What the​ Certification Process Entails:

  • Associations and MLSs access the respective forms to submit their certification for either association or MLS governing documents.
  • Association and MLS Executives will have access to these forms. Upon completion, they will receive an email confirming their certification. Please maintain this email for insurance and Core Standards purposes.
  • Call 800-874-6500, ext. 8399 with any questions or if you want to know the status of your review.

Tips for Maintaining Compliance:

  • Take time to read your association’s governing documents.
  • Strive to maintain compliance of governing documents with NAR policies at all times.
  • Ensure that the governing documents are being followed at all times.


Questions may be directed to the Member Experience staff at 800-874-6500, ext. 8399.

Bylaws Certification

Information and resources about the Bylaws Certification Process is now available.

Learn More