This page provides links to NAR's major policy documents including the Code of Ethics, NAR's Constitution and Bylaws, and the model governing documents for local/state associations of REALTORS®.

View information about NAR’s Association Governing Documents Review Process.

Please note: In 2018, NAR ceased publishing annual model bylaws. The 2017 Model Bylaws for Local and State Associations continue to be available. NAR has created a new monthly series called Good Sense Governance to provide local and state associations resources to enable them to implement bylaws, policies, and procedures tailored to the association’s needs.

Code of Ethics

The NAR Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice establishes ethical duties that all REALTORS® agree to follow as a condition of their membership. These duties provide a high level of service and professionalism to clients/customers and are the key factor separating REALTORS® from all other real estate practitioners.

Professionalism in Real Estate Practice provides a concise explanation of the meaning and content of the Code's articles and standards of practice.

NAR Constitution and Bylaws

The National Association of REALTORS® Constitution and Bylaws govern the National Association, its committees, leadership, and the relationship with NAR, state associations, and local associations. Read or download the NAR Constitution and Bylaws.

Policy Publications

The following are provided to develop governing documents for local and state associations of REALTORS® and to apply/enforce REALTOR® Association policy including duties of membership, professional standards, and multiple listings.

  • The NAR Model Citation Policy assists state and local associations in developing citation policies, including fines, for receiving and resolving ethics complaints.
  • The MLS Commercial Handbook sets forth the model MLS governing documents for commercial and industrial MLSs and commercial information exchanges. 

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