NAR continues to fight to ensure self-employed real estate professionals have access to better health insurance options through Association Health Plans (AHPs). While Federal litigation barriers continue to stall progress with any national AHP options, NAR continues to advocate for federal clarity and support the broad adoption of AHPs locally.

To this end, the AHP Toolkit has been updated to include data from the 2019 Health Insurance Survey and model legislation that may serve as a template for building united state legislative efforts to codify provisions enabling independent contractors to join AHPs. The model legislation does not address all the nuances of specific state law provisions and should be reviewed with counsel, but it should serve as a starting point for discussion with lawmakers while the federal appeals court decision remains pending causing ongoing uncertainty for broad AHP adoption.

Stay tuned to for the latest updates on the legal battle and NAR’s efforts to seek solutions to REALTORS® health insurance needs.

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