On October 15, 2018, NAR sent comments to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on HUD's advance notice of proposed rulemaking on possible amendments to HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulations. NAR had previously commented on both the regulations and the AFFH implementation tool put forth by HUD. NAR supports the AFFH regulations, but stressed to HUD the importance of allowing communities to determine what fair housing issues and barriers they face and how to best address them. NAR also urged HUD to ensure communities reflect on and assess how current patterns of segregation can be traced to past public and private policies such as racially restrictive zoning, private restrictive covenants on the land, classification of neighborhoods and redlining, and decisions on investment in and placement of public improvements and infrastructure like highways and schools.

NAR's Comment Letterpdf

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