This educational video series covers the fundamentals of search engine optimization (SEO) and the benefits to brokers and agents in improving SEO of their property listing websites. The topic is addressed in four video segments that appear below.

A written description of the material covered in each video appears below the video segment as a PDF file.

SEO Fundamentals for Real Estate: What Is SEO?

What Is SEO?

March 2, 2018

Rand Fishkin explains the basics of SEO and how it pertains to real estate professionals.

Download: What Is SEO?pdf (PDF: 551 KB)
Download: How Does Google Rank Pages?pdf (PDF: 1.09 MB)
Download: Core Elements of SEO, Part 1pdf (PDF: 1.3 MB)
Download: Core Elements of SEO, Part 2pdf (PDF: 980.31 KB)