Update: The deadline for 2024 NAR Directors, Chairs, and Vice Chairs to complete the DEI Training requirement has been extended to October 1, 2024.

In May 2023, the NAR Board of Directors approved new policies requiring NAR leaders to complete DEI training, which includes the At Home With Diversity and Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing courses, as well as the Fairhaven simulation. Below is more information regarding the training requirements.

Who is required to complete the training?

The NAR Board of Directors, which includes Executive Committee members, Regional Vice Presidents, and Liaisons; and committee chairs and vice chairs.

What are the required training courses?

The At Home With Diversity course, Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing course, and the Fairhaven simulation training.

When must the training be completed?

2024 Directors must complete the training prior to October 1, 2024.

For 2025 (and beyond), the training must be completed prior to their appointment.  

Will members be required to pay to complete the required training courses?

NAR is providing multiple no-cost options for 2024 NAR leaders who are required to take the courses.

Where can I take the required courses?


The simulation training is free, and can be taken at any time by visiting fairhaven.realtor

At Home With Diversity

In-classroom and online options to take At Home With Diversity are available at nar.realtor/ahwd. A coupon code to take the course at no cost has been emailed to all leaders who need to complete this requirement. Please email nargovernance@nar.realtor if you need the code.

Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing

Classroom and live virtual courses are available here. No-cost virtual course options have been emailed to all leaders who need to complete this requirement. These no-cost courses take place March 26 and April 2. Please email nargovernance@nar.realtor if you need registration details.

If an NAR leader already completed the required courses, do they have to complete them again?

They will not need to re-take At Home With Diversity, Fairhaven, or the Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing classroom course.

Note: The Bias Override video offered prior to 2024 does not fulfill the requirement.

What if a member appointed to a leadership position does not complete the requirement?

An alternate who meets the requirements will be identified.

How will course completion be tracked?

To check completion status for the 2024 requirement, please email nargovernance@nar.realtor.
