Sustainability Priorities will serve as a guiding document that allows NAR to:
- Grow as a leading and trusted voice for sustainability in real estate through communication, advocacy, education, and professionalism
- Keep REALTORS® competitive in a rapidly changing industry by providing information and tools about what consumers value
- Integrate sustainability within all levels of the association through decision-making that balances economic, social, & environmental considerations
- Develop a comprehensive NAR Sustainability Plan with goals and benchmarks for measurable change over time
Download this document as a chart. (PDF: 177 KB)
The National Association of REALTORS® is a leader in real estate sustainability among real estate agents, brokers, trade associations, and consumers.
Focus: Demonstrate (Culture / Social Responsibility)
Priority: Environment (Planet)
- Develop real estate industry resiliency, risk management, and disaster preparedness/prevention strategies
- Determine best practices for establishing resource usage baselines, reduction strategies, and goals focused on energy, waste, and transportation
- Create advocacy strategies that support environmental priorities while maintaining and supporting social and economic priorities
- Deliver environmental sustainability-specific education via new offerings and leverage established NAR processes, programs, services, designations, and Association partners
- Add environmental sustainability language to NAR institutional guidance documents, such as a code of ethics, policies, and core standards
Focus: Educate & Replicate (Benefits / Resources)
Priority: Social (People)
- Integrate sustainability into all NAR event, education, and professionalism offerings
- Proactively identify social issues of importance to real estate (health/wellness, equity, resources) and determine associated improvement goals
- Improve messaging and communication strategies to convey the importance and value of sustainability efforts for NAR leadership, associations, members, and consumers
- Leverage a regional approach for associations and NAR’s regional structure to create and share sustainability best practices that keep REALTORS® essential to consumers and communities
- Develop sustainability awards and recognitions to encourage adoption among members and REALTORS® associations
Focus: Advocate (Awareness / Engagement)
Priority – Economic (Profit)
- Utilize real estate data and best practices to demonstrate the total cost of ownership and highlight the economic and community advantages of sustainable development
- Emphasize how sustainability priorities fit with NAR’s advocacy efforts and increase awareness, engagement and financial support for these priorities (environment/social/economic)
- Invest in and support sustainability business planning practices that increase expertise, provide resources, and ensure future economic relevance for members and associations
- Develop operational practices for all NAR facilities, with a goal of resource reduction and improved efficiency (energy, waste, etc.) that can be modeled for associations and members
- Advocate for and promote the value of sustainable housing options and real estate job growth for the economy, members’ business, and Association membership