This year, NAR continues the tradition of publishing its annual Environmental, Social, Governance and Resilience (ESG+R) report. This report reviews and aggregates the major sustainability accomplishments and activities for NAR in the 2023 calendar year. The report outlines four major areas based on the NAR Sustainability and Resilience Plan. These four areas are Environment, Social, Governance, and Resilience.
This report highlights actions taken in 2023 and includes future opportunities to build upon NAR’s efforts.
The goal of this report is to track our organization’s progress over time and tell the association’s sustainability story through various actions and goals. Leading on sustainability with transparency provides accountability for NAR’s sustainability goals.
The four sections within the report correlate with the four pillars of the Sustainability and Resilience Plan and include:
- Environment: This pillar measures the impact of specific, positive actions or programs linked to the natural environment. Examples of actions under this pillar include items with a focus on environmental sustainability, energy reduction measures or general education of members and stakeholders on sustainability.
- Social: This section promotes the growth of sustainability by unlocking opportunities for health, equity and well-being. It includes activities, initiatives and events undertaken by the association to engage employees, associations, members and communities. Examples of actions under this pillar include partnerships, member meetings, engagement opportunities and climate equity.
- Governance: This pillar shows how NAR is leading forward on sustainability and focuses on introducing and implementing the concepts of sustainability to members, state, and local associations using an integrated approach that brings sustainability into all areas of an association. Examples of governance efforts include pointed leadership support, data and reporting, operational decisions related to ESG+R, and industry partnerships.
- Resilience: This section focuses on helping members and communities mitigate and adapt to current and future risks to the industry using short- and long-term goals and actions that help REALTORS® and communities respond to and prepare for extreme weather and a changing climate. Examples of Resilience actions include grants and funding, strategic planning integration, extreme weather preparedness, and climate research.
Also included are visual representation of the association activity in 2023, statements from association leaders in response to NAR's sustainability commitment, and input from NAR staff teams about a variety of efforts around the organization.