This sample job description corresponds to the Models Planning Tool and will help you address the needs of a REALTOR® association that fits the Management model.

Management Model Operating Philosophy

A management association is a source of information and is proficient in identifying and proactively communicating business practices and trends that impact the association's member constituencies. Staff size typically ranges from three to 12, with defined positions responsible for specific programs. In such associations, the staff will possess a proficiency in managing and communicating legal, regulatory and business issues impacting the association and will effectively manage association business. It relies on volunteer involvement for much association decision making and working relationships with other service organizations.


Governance of Association Structures and Organizational Operations

Collaborate with Staff and Management
Collaborate with the association's other elected leaders to determine the association's vision; provide feedback to staff in delivering organizational goals; work with chief staff executive to handle some internal administrative functions; management of staff is handled by the chief staff executive.

Develop Association Strategy and Goals
Determine the association's strategic vision; direct chief staff executive in developing association goals; monitor goal implementation.

Facilitate Implementation of Objectives and Operations
Lead the board of directors in determining the association's strategic objectives; delegate operational decisions to chief staff executive and committees, within defined parameters.

Develop Committee Structure
Determine committee structure based on association goals and objectives identified by the board of directors and delegate committee administrative support to chief staff executive.

Physical and Financial Resources

Review Budget
Approve comprehensive budget as developed by staff; approve requests for budget adjustments.

Member Services

Participate in Member Recruitment, Retention, and Orientation
Attend and participate in new member recruitment, retention, and orientation programs, as needed and as requested by staff.

Identify Member Services
Collaborate with committee leaders and staff to identify and review current and new programs that impact member service initiatives.

Create Networking Opportunities
Work with chief staff executive to plan networking and social opportunities for key member groups to enhance career success.

Internal and External Relations

Identify Volunteer Leadership
Work with chief staff executive to identify and recruit future volunteer leaders.

Cultivate Synergistic Relationships
Work with chief staff executive in fostering effective and synergistic relationships with the following: local government leaders and legislators, service providers, vendors, consultants, contractors, influential and market share members/industry leaders, allied real estate groups, media, and community groups.

Implement Political Awareness Activities
Work with chief staff executive to implement a political awareness and fundraising plan.

Implement Government Advocacy Activities
In partnership with the chief staff executive, implement government advocacy activities to further the association's mission.