This sample job description corresponds to the Models Planning Tool and will help you address the needs of a REALTOR® association that fits the Administrative model.

Administrative Model Operating Philosophy

An administrative association is member-focused, supports general organizational functions of REALTOR® constituencies, and provides information that is important to members in conducting their daily business activities. It typically has a fairly small staff, ranging from one part-time association executive to three full-time professional staff. In such associations, staff will possess a general familiarity in legal, regulatory, and business issues impacting the association and will efficiently administer association business. It relies on significant volunteer involvement both for virtually all association decisions and some logistical details, as well as working relationships with other service organizations.


Governance, Planning and Organizational Operations

Implement Administrative Functions
Work closely with chief staff executive in implementing many of the association's administrative functions.

Manage Association
Work with chief staff executive to manage all aspects of the association; in associations with limited or no full-time paid staff, manage all aspects of the organization.

Lead Operational Decision-Making
Lead the board of directors in making most operational decisions; work with chief staff executive to implement operational decisions.

Develop Committee Structure and Activities
Determine committee structure and administer committee functions.

Develop Budget
Work with chief staff executive to develop detailed budget; determine budget adjustments as necessary.

Member Services

Create Member Recruitment and Orientation Programs
Develop and implement new member recruitment and retention programs; implement new member orientation program, which primarily comprised of materials from the state and national associations.

Develop Member Services
Identify and initiate member service plans and initiatives.

Organize Networking Opportunities
Plan, organize, and implement networking and social opportunities for members.

Internal and External Relations

Recognize Future Volunteer Leaders
Identify and recruit future volunteer leaders.

Cultivate Effective Relationships
Foster effective relationships with local and government leaders and legislators, service providers/vendors, and the media.

Advance Political Awareness Activities
Develop and implement a political awareness and fundraising plan.

Advocate for Industry Issues
Serve as the association's government advocate for industry issues; support the state and national association's advocacy efforts.