NAR’s Social Media Ambassadors Program provides key REALTOR® advocates with content, developments, and success stories they can personalize to share on their personal social media pages.

Social media is an essential communications platform that requires users to be interactive to be most effective. Increasingly REALTORS® have embraced social media, and become adept at using it for their work and/or personal life. By providing ongoing opportunities for ambassadors to share content NAR can tap into this existing, active peer-to-peer network and extend our outreach to more of the REALTOR® community as well as consumers.

This program is designed to:

  • Facilitate building and leveraging the social media following of NAR volunteer leaders
  • Encourage NAR leaders to take an active role in customizing and amplifying social content
  • Build awareness of REALTORS® as trusted experts on the national, state and local levels
  • Increase member awareness and education of key NAR programs, services, and events

This program is powered by Sprout Social.  Ambassadors have the option of downloading the "Advocacy by Sprout Social app" to your phone or tablets and/or using the desktop version. They can be used interchangeably once you have connected them to your personal social media profiles — specifically Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and/or Instagram accounts — whichever you feel comfortable using. You'll need to authorize the use of your selected profiles with their passwords.

To join the program, please email