A free, semi-annual magazine published by NAR, On Common Ground presents a wide range of views on smart growth issues, with the goal of encouraging dialog among REALTORS®, elected officials, and other interested citizens.

Walkable communities are becoming the latest trend in real estate and REALTORS® need to be aware of how the demand for walkable communities impacts real estate and their business. Check out the NAR resources that can help make your community more walkable.
Smart Growth Toolkit: A Guide to REALTOR® Involvement in Community Development is a collection of strategies, resources, and success stories meant to inspire REALTORS® and Associations on ways they can help improve their community’s land use and transportation systems for long-term success.
Placemaking is simply a way of creating a place in a community where people want to visit and be. This toolkit offers an overview of placemaking, steps to get started, and examples of placemaking in action.