The programs listed below assist local and state associations with the smart growth issues in their communities and regions.

Land Use Initiative, Memo Database, and Growth Management Fact Book

Get an analysis of pending local land-use regulations and ordinances. Use this service to help craft your association’s response to proposed local ordinances in a way that best supports your members. Or use the Memo Database and Growth Management Fact Book to research various land use management proposals and their impact on the real estate industry.

Smart Growth Polling Program

Associations that want to understand how community residents feel about various growth and development issues can use the program to help formulate association land-use related policies that reflect the needs and desires of those who live in the community. NAR will cover the cost of the polling when using NAR's consultants. Read more about the polling program.

Placemaking Initiative

NAR’s Placemaking Initiative provides technical and financial assistance to help REALTOR® associations, and their members, initiate placemaking activities – transforming public spaces into vibrant community places -- in their community.  The centerpiece is a guide on placemaking but also includes a series of webinars and presentations, and other resources.

Customized State Smart Growth Legislation Program

State associations that are looking to proactively alter the state's land use laws in order to permit development that reflects smart growth development principles can use this resource to help your association set the stage for sustainable development practices in your state. NAR will split the costs of the program with the state association. Read more about the smart growth legislation program.

Additional Resources

State Issues Tracker
NAR Land Use Initiative Memo Database

The National Association of REALTORS® is a partner of the Smart Growth Network.

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