Planning & Zoning Resource: Advocating for your Community’s Future Class

A six-hour course that teaches REALTORS® how to become a proactive community advocate, leveraging planning and zoning knowledge to drive both community enhancement and business success through understanding the visioning, planning, and zoning process. Associations can host the course or members can take it online.

Smart Growth for the 21st Century Class

Smart growth is about recognizing and understanding the various facets of a vibrant community and how to achieve and maintain a balance among them. REALTORS® have everything to gain by joining with other community leaders to assure ample homeownership opportunities in communities with efficient transportation, good schools, and open space. Who are your potential smart growth superstars? Recruit them for this four-hour course.

Why Sponsor Smart Growth for the 21st Century?

A community functions best with homes for all incomes, jobs, schools, open space, desirable destinations and services, and different ways to reach them—by foot, bicycle, public transit, or automobile.

Smart growth is about recognizing and understanding the various facets of a vibrant community and how to achieve and maintain a balance among them.

REALTORS® have everything to gain by joining with other community leaders to assure ample homeownership opportunities in communities with efficient transportation, good schools, and open space. After all, REALTORS® sell more than just homes, they sell neighborhoods.

And, more than ever, homebuyers want the convenience and value of smart growth.

Smart growth focuses on the existing assets of the community, the long-run implications of various development patterns, and their fiscal impacts. The bottom line: some ways of growing are more sustainable than others.

Who are your potential smart growth superstars? Recruit them for this new four-hour course. 

Give Your Members the Smart Growth Strategies They Need

  • Defining Smart Growth: Each community is different, but there are a few key tenets of smart growth that can be applied everywhere, including a mix of land uses and transportation options for travel by mode other than the automobile.
  • Demand for Smart Growth: Demographic and economic shifts make the smart growth development model the right one for the twenty-first century.
  • The Value of Smart Growth: Studies show that communities that develop according to smart growth principles cost less for individuals to live in and cost less for local governments to administer.
  • Advocating for Smart Growth: The course concludes with a “Take Action Check List” that provides REALTORS® with real-world ideas for influencing how their communities grow.

Become Expert in Influencing Community Land Use Decisions

REALTORS® will learn:

  • To take stock of what works well in their community and what doesn’t, both in terms of the development process as well as the end result.
  • State-of-the-art community planning concepts that they can apply.
  • How to get their community to live up to its potential.
  • What is needed to make their community a better place to live and do business.

For more information about the Smart Growth for the 21st Century course, please contact:

Hugh Morris
National Association of REALTORS®
500 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202/383-1278
Fax: 202/383-7580