Quick Takeaways

  • The median sales price of new houses sold in April 2023 was $420,800. The average sales price was $501,000 (U.S. Censuspdf)
  • More than two in three house purchases were financed through a conventional mortgage (U.S. Censusxls)
  • 1.25 million new home starts are forecasted for 2023 (U.S. Economic Outlookpdf)

Depending on your market and your selling style, selling new construction can either be a side niche or your fulltime specialty. It’s exciting for a buyer to be the first to live in a home, but selling those new homes is a different experience from existing homes. Whether you’re learning to sell model or spec homes, answering questions from buyers about upgrades, or calming down a homeowner overwhelmed by buyer’s remorse, you can use NAR’s resources to come up to speed on a satisfying, but sometimes challenging, role in the industry.

See References for more information.

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