Quick Takeaways

  • Trust your instincts
  • Show strength, not vulnerability
  • Always walk behind the prospect

Source: ‘Everything Changed the Minute I Opened the Door’ (REALTOR® Magazine, Apr. 30, 2021)

Safety needs to be at the forefront of every REALTOR®'s mind. Keep staff or family informed of your whereabouts, gather information from new clients, meet in populated public spaces ahead of showings, and always have an "out" planned. Stay safe while door knocking—be aware of your surroundings and only door knock in the daytime.

Read about REALTORS®' real life harrowing experiences with dangerous situations and customers. Trust your gut when something doesn’t feel safe. Don’t let open houses become dangerous—keep the blinds raised, always walk behind the client, look for exits and check in with your office. Increase your safety knowledge with information from NAR, including a safety video, courses and persona protection resources.

See References for more information.

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