The RPAC Fundraising Event Grants help state and local associations increase their RPAC fundraising receipts and RPAC participation. Your participation in the program is subject to state law.

  • Associations may apply for grants of up to $5,000 to be used for fundraising purposes annually
    • Fundraising event: auction, raffle, Miss RPAC contest, etc.
    • Fundraising video or DVD production and distribution
    • Production and distribution of fundraising materials
    • Major Investor development
    • RPAC messaging for new member orientation


  • State election laws do not ban use of corporate political contributions for use in fundraising
  • Set minimum RPAC fundraising standards for increasing participation by 5% and total contributions by 10%

Please send all grant applications, emails and questions to Learn more about RPAC Fundraising Conference Grants for State and Local Associations at the REALTOR® Action Center.
