Radon and Radon Testing

  • Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. It can enter homes from the ground and build up to dangerous levels.
  • Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S., responsible for about 20,000 lung cancer deaths every year.
  • Radon-induced lung cancer can be easily prevented by testing homes and mitigating them when necessary.
  • Radon is colorless and odorless. Testing is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk from radon.
  • EPA and the Surgeon General recommend testing all homes below the third floor for radon.
  • Elevated radon has been found in every state, so testing is important wherever your home is.  

One in 15 U.S. homes are estimated to have elevated radon levels.

Millions of Americans have already tested their homes for radon.

Radon testing is inexpensive, quick, and easy. Learn how to find a radon test kit.

Radon Mitigation

  • If the radon level in a home is 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) or higher, EPA recommends fixing the home.
  • Fixing a home is straightforward and uses simple materials and technology. Installing a mitigation system costs about the same as many common home repairs.
  • When installed properly, mitigation systems reliably reduce indoor radon levels to below EPA's action level.
  • Find a qualified radon mitigation contractor who can design and install a radon mitigation system that's right for your property.
  • Radon mitigation can save lives and give homeowners peace of mind.

Radon and Real Estate Transactions

  • Radon notification and disclosure laws differ by state and locality. Ordinances may require radon testing at point of sale. See the radon sectionpdf of the Environmental Law Institute's database of state indoor air quality laws for specific information.
  • New homes can be built with radon-resistant features.
  • Buyers can ask home sellers for radon test results and information about any radon mitigation system that may be installed.
  • Buyers can also perform their own tests.
  • REALTORS® can encourage sellers to test their home before putting it on the market and, if necessary, lower their radon levels. Short-term radon tests are available.
  • Most radon mitigation systems do not require major changes to a home and are about the same cost as other home repairs.
  • A radon mitigation system can boost confidence in the safety of your home.
