Cover of the Remodeling Impact: D.I.Y. report

Key Findings

Homeowners and renters remodel, redesign, and restructure their home for a variety of reasons. This report takes a deep dive into the differences between remodeling when hiring a professional compared to individuals who “do it yourself” (D.I.Y. ).

Home Projects

  • 53% of consumers who completed a project on their homes hired a professional to do the project, and 47% did the project themselves (D.I.Y. ).
Stacked bar graph: Hired a professional or DIY interior home project by project type
  • Of projects that involved hiring a professional, 72% were interior and 28% were exterior.
  • For D.I.Y. projects, 77% were interior and 23% were exterior.
  • The most popular interior project for all renovators was a bathroom renovation, followed by kitchen upgrades, and complete kitchen renovations.

Most Common Interior Home Remodeling Projects

Table: Most common interior home remodeling projects: hired a professional or DIY, by project type
  • For projects done by a hired professional, consumers reported a Joy Score of 9.6 and those who did the project themselves reported a Joy Score of 9.9.
  • The most popular exterior project for all renovators was new roofing, followed by new windows, and new vinyl siding.

Most Common Exterior Home Remodeling Projects

Table: Most common exterior home remodeling projects: hired a professional or DIY, by project type
  • Close to three-fourths of Gen Y/Millennials and slightly more than half of Generation X chose to D.I.Y. their home project.
  • 70% of the Silent Generations hired a professional compared to only 27% of Gen Y/Millennials.
Stacked bar graph: Hired a professional or DIY home project by generation

Pet Projects

  • 56% of those who did an animal-related renovation in their home did the project on their own, and 44% hired someone to do it.
Stacked bar graph: Pet-related home remodeling project: hired a professional or DIY, by project type
  • The most common projects taken on for pets were fenced yards, laminate floors, and dog doors.

Most Common Pet-related Home Remodeling Projects

Table: Most common pet-related home remodeling projects: hired a professional or DIY, by project type
  • The most popular projects to D.I.Y. include built-in pet beds (88%), an animal pool (84%), cat litter closet (83%), and built-ins for pet dishes (76%).
  • Slightly more respondents who did a project for animals expressed complete satisfaction when hiring a professional (65%) than those who did the project themselves (61%).
Stacked bar graph: Satisfaction after doing pet-related home project

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