Cover of the Appraisal Survey report

In July 2023, NAR Research conducted a survey of all 9,800 appraiser members and 50,000 randomly-selected residential-focused non-appraiser members.  The objectives of the report were:

  • To determine the level of impact of appraisals on the current market and member business in terms of cost, turn-around times, and other challenges.
  • To measure member experiences with bias and discrimination in the real estate process in general and in the appraisal process.
  • To determine how these issues may have shifted since 2022.

Topics Covered in the Report


  • Greatest challenges in business
  • Lesser challenges with business
  • Valuations
  • Comfort with valuation tools
  • Radius in which appraisals are conducted
  • Radius by area type (rural, small town, urban, resort, suburban)
  • How often asked to conduct appraisals outside geographic area/Property type of expertise
Bar graph: Appraisers greatest challenges in business, 2023 and 2022

Non-Appraiser Members

  • Greatest challenges with transactions
  • Valuation types
  • Impact of appraisal on transaction
  • Appraisals coming in at/above contract price
  • Transactions falling through due to appraisal
  • Reasons transaction fell through
  • Rush fees
  • Appraisal gap
  • Appraisal contingency
  • Local appraiser involved in transaction
  • Reasons for not interacting with appraiser
  • Personally know appraiser
  • Reached out to appraiser
  • Reconsideration of value
  • Reconsideration of value process
Bar graph: Non-Appraisers Greatest Challenges in Real Estate Transactions, 2023 and 2022

All Respondents

  • Difficulty obtaining a home appraisal
  • Appraisal time
  • Delays in market in completing appraisals
  • Addressing appraisal delays
  • Other ways of addressing appraisal delays
  • Appraisal process changes
  • Appraisal competency
  • Greatest appraisal competency issues
  • Lesser appraisal competency issues
Bar graph: Difficulty obtaining a home appraisal, 2023 and 2022

Bias and Discrimination

  • Discrimination in the real estate transaction process
  • Descriptions of bias or discrimination in the real estate transaction process
  • Appraisal discrimination
  • Descriptions of bias or discrimination in the appraisal process


  • Business type
  • Location of business
  • Years of experience
  • Main function in the real estate industry
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Gender

Comments From Survey Respondents

Fifteen percent of respondents (328 individuals) left final comments. Sentiments repeated more than once are reflected in the survey report.

Download the full reportpdf
