Cover of the Teams Survey report

In July 2018, NAR surveyed its members pertaining to teams in the real estate industry.

Key Findings

  • 26% of respondents were members of a real estate team, while 73% were not a member of a real estate team.
  • The median number of people on a real estate team was four.
Bar graph: Number of People on Real Estate Team
  • In real estate teams, typically all members of the team held a real estate license (80%).
  • The most common compensation arrangements within a real estate team were fixed commission split (38%), graduated commission split (22%), and 100% commission split (13%).
  • 14% of respondents stated that they use virtual assistants in their real estate team.
  • Typically, respondents joined their current real estate team in 2016.
  • The most common function of real estate team members was that of an agent (88%).
Bar graph: Functions on a real estate team
  • Among respondents that are not currently on a real estate team, 16% of respondents have previously been on a real estate team, and 84% have never been a member of a real estate team.
  • Among respondents that are not currently on a real estate team, 9% have strongly considered and 30% have briefly considered joining or starting a real estate team.
  • 58% of respondents have not considered joining or starting a real estate team.

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