Various academic institutions and independent organizations around the U.S. have established research centers to study real estate-related issues and trends. These resources include state and local association library/research sources, as well as Internet sites, to reference in addition to the research and resources NAR and REALTOR® University provide.

If you know of a real estate research resource not listed here, or if your state or local board offer research for use by members, let us know by calling 800-874-6500 so we can add it here.

National, State & Local Resources

California Association of REALTORS® (CAR)
525 South Virgil
Los Angeles, CA  90020
phone: 213.739.8227
Includes current research regarding marketing trends in California, Price Reports, and much more.

Florida Association of REALTORS®
7025 Augusta National Drive
Orlando, FL  32822
phone: 407.438.1400
Contains Florida existing home sales statistics.

Illinois Association of REALTORS®
522 South Fifth Street
Springfield, Illinois, 62701
phone: 217.529.2600
fax: 217.529.3904
Contains Illinois housing statistics, including median prices, volume of home sales and quarterly and year-end charts.

Massachusetts Association of REALTORS®
256 Second Avenue
Waltham, MA, 62703
phone: 781.890.3700
fax: 781.890.4919
Lists Massachusetts housing market trends and forecasts, foreign investment in real estate, Bay State Metro market reports and quarterly and annual data.

Virginia Association of REALTORS®
Contact: Lisa G. Noon, ABC, CAE
Vice President Member Outreach
Virginia Association of REALTORS®
10231 Telegraph Rd., Glen Allen, VA 23059
phone: 804.264.5033
Provides local statistics and prices, and a Survey of Virginia homebuyers and sellers.

University & College Research Centers Listed by State

Please note that many public universities and colleges allow access to their collections for the public (non-students or faculty). There may be some restrictions on borrowing privileges, access to special collections or fees for copying or other services. Please contact the school for complete information.


Alabama Center for Real Estate
127 Bidgood Hall Box 870221
Tuscaloosa, AL  35487-0221
phone: 205.348.4117
ACRE, housed within the UA's Culverhouse College of Commerce, collects, maintains and analyzes the state's real estate statistics, and is a trusted resource for Alabama real estate research, forecasting, and professional development.


Arizona Real Estate Center
Arizona State University
7001 E. Williams Field Road
Wane 140D
Mesa, AZ  85212
phone: 480.727.1300
fax: 480.727.1407
AREC analyzes the Arizona real estate market, conducts research and develops education courses.


Lusk Center for Real Estate
University of Southern California
331 Ralph and Goldy Lewis Hall
Los Angeles, CA  90089-0626
phone: 213.740.5000
The Lusk Center supports real estate education, conducts forums and symposia and produces working papers and research briefs.

Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics
F602 Haas School of Business
University of California
Berkeley, CA  94720-1900
phone: 510.643.6105
FCREUE publishes research on non-residential real estate, housing markets and the internet and real estate.

Richard S. Ziman Real Estate Centerxml
The Anderson School
University of California
110 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA  90095-1481
phone: 310.206.9424
The Zirman Center sponsors Faculty Research Fellows, compiles the CRSP-Zirman Data Series and organizes research symposia.

Real Estate Research Council
College of Business Administration
California State Polytechnic University
3801 West Temple Ave.
Pomona, CA  91768
phone: 909.869.2410
RERC provides California housing, construction and mortgage lending factual information.


Center for Real Estate and Urban Economic Studies
University of Connecticut School of Business
2100 Hillside Road, Unit 4041
Storrs, CT  06269-1041
phone: 860.486.3227
The Center for Real Estate and Urban Economic Studies was established in 1965 by the Connecticut General Assembly for the purpose of providing professional and practical assessment of real estate issues in Connecticut, the region, and the nation.


Center for Real Estate Education and Research The College of Business
Florida State University
248 Rovetta Business Building
Tallahassee, FL  32306-1110
phone: 850.644.8214
The Center for Real Estate Education and Research sponsors the Real Estate Trends & Networking Conference and conducts academic research by staff, and research for public and private organizations.

Bergstrom Center for Real Estate Studies
Warrington College of Business Administration
University of Florida
100 BRY
Gainesville, FL  32611
phone: 352.392.1330
CRES researches in the areas of affordable housing, land use and mortgages, for both Florida and the United States.


The Real Estate Research Center in the J. Mack Robinson College of Business
Georgia State University
35 Broad Street N.W.
Atlanta, GA  30302
phone: 404.651.2750
The Real Estate Research Center compiles industry-oriented research for such organizations as DeLoitte & Touche and HUD.


Office of Real Estate Research
University of Illinois
304 David Kinley Hall
1407 West Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL  61801
phone: 217.333.2330
The Office of Real Estate Research publishes the Illinois Real Estate Letter, supports faculty research and compiles real estate data.

Guthrie Center for Real Estate Research
Northwestern University
Kellogg School of Management
Evanston, IL  60208
phone: 847.491.3564
The Guthrie Center is involved in "research projects that involve real estate markets, public and private finance, project management and the development process."


Benecki Center for Real Estate Studies
Kelley School of Business
Indiana University
1309 East Tenth Street, Ste. 746
Bloomington, IN  47405-1701
phone: 812.855.7794
CRES is assessing Bloomington's housing needs, is creating a database of commercial and industrial properties in the Bloomington Urban Exnterprise Zone and develops real estate websites.


Center for Real Estate
Wichita State University
Barton School of Business
1845 N. Fairmount
Wichita, KS  67260-0077
phone: 316.978.7120
The Center for Real Estate compiles a local data series, the Housing Price Index and the Benchmark Home Price Series.


Real Estate Research Institute
E. J. Ourso College of Business
Louisiana State University
2164 CEBA Building
Baton Rouge, LA  70803-6308
phone: 225.578.3211
RERI runs the annual Trends in Baton Rouge Real Estate and publishes academic research.


Joint Center for Housing Studies
Harvard  University
1033 Massachusetts Ave., 5th Floor
Cambridge, MA  02138
phone: 617.495.7908
The JCHS publishes The State of the Nation's Housing, and researches in the areas of homeownership, rental housing, industry studies and international studies.

The Real Estate Academic Initiative
Harvard University
48 Quincy Street
Cambridge, MA  02138
phone: 617.496.3563
The central purpose fo the REAI is to provide necessary funding for interdisciplinary and interfaculty research effort to improve the study and practice of real estate and urban development both domestically and abroad.

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
113 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA  02138-3400
phone: 800.526.3873
The Lincoln Institute works in the areas of land-related taxation and land policy and publishes research.

MIT Center for Real Estate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Building W31
120 Massachusetts Ave., 3rd Floor
Cambridge, MA  02139
phone: 617.253.4373
The MIT Center for Real Estate sponsors faculty research in the areas of regulation, property markets and sources of equity and debt financing.


Center for Applied Economic Research
Montana State University-Billings
College of Business, Ste. 113 & 114
1500 University Drive
Billings, MT  59101
phone: 406.657.1742
The Center for Applied Economic Research provides real estate research services through partnership agreements, collaborative studies, and customized contracts.

New York

Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy
New York University School of Law
40 Washington Square South
Ste. 314-H
New York, NY  10012-1099
phone: 212.998.6713
The Furman Center is concerned with housing development, land use and public policy and real estate.

North Carolina

Center for Real Estate Development
Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Campus Box 3440, The Kenan Center
Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3410
phone: 919.962.1499
The Center for Real Estate Development pursues research in such areas as smart growth, real estate law, corporate and international law.

The Center for Real Estate
UNC Charlotte Campus
Friday Building
9201 University City Bldg.
Charlotte, NC  28223
phone: 704.687.7577
With the counsel and participation of a distinguished board of real estate professionals, the Center seeks to: provide excellence in the provision of educational programs at all levels; compete nationally for the best students and faculty; create and disseminate high-level academic and practitioner research; supply timely ideas and solutions to issues of sustainable growth; be recognized as a distinguishing component of the Belk College of Business and UNC-Charlotte.


Center for Real Estate Education & Research
Fisher College of Business
Ohio State University
218 Fisher Hall - 2100 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH  43210-1144
phone: 614.292.7312
The Center has published on such topics as toxic mold, commercial mortgage-backed securities and real estate mentoring.


Institute for Real Estate Studies
Smeal College of Business
Pennsylvania State University
409 Business Administration Building
University Park, PA  16802-3004
phone: 814.865.4172
The Institute publishes working papers and articles on such areas as private property, land values and buyer brokerage.

The Samuel Zell and Robert Lurie Real Estate Center at Wharton School
Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania
Ste. 1400, Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall
3620 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA  19104-6302
phone: 215.898.9687
The Zell/Lurie Center runs academic research, scholarships, meetings, lectures and globalization outreach.

South Carolina

South Carolina Center for Real Estate
Moore School of Business
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC  29208
phone: 803.777.5960
The South Carolina Center for Real Estate sponsors academic research on real estate issues through a grant program.


The Center for Research in Real Estate and Land Use Economics
Cox School of Business
South Methodist University
Dallas, TX  75275
phone: 214.768.3548
This Center sponsors a Fall and Winter Conference, along with research conducted through two outside institutes.

Real Estate Center
Mays Business School
Texas A&M University
2115 TAMU
College Station, TX  77843
phone: 979.845.2031
Research is conducted on local real estate issues and statistics and publishes a quarterly magazine and online software directory.


Washington Center for Real Estate Research
Washington State University
PO Box 644844
Pullman, WA  99164-4844
phone: 800.835.9683
The Center provides real estate research and local research reports.


James A. Graaskamp Center for Real Estate
University of Wisconsin
975 University Avenue
Madison, WI  53706-1323
phone: 608.262.3531
The Center for Real Estate was created in 1971 to foster excellence in real estate education, research and outreach through community and professional partnerships.  The Center was renamed in 2007 in honor of the late James A. Graaskamp, a legendary figure in real estate education at Wisconsin, thanks to the generous fundraising efforts of alumni and friends.

Center for Real Estate
Marquette University
College of Business Administration
David Straz Hall
606 North 13th Street
Milwaukee, WI  53233
phone: 414.288.5724
The CRE was established to generate, disseminate and deepen commercial real estate knowledge on campus, in Milwaukee, throughout the Midwest and on a national level through three key areas: Teaching, Research and Outreach.